Secret Sauce - Secret Knock
As you know - we rarely if ever share who will be speaking at Secret Knock.
Since we are almost sold out, going to share one in particular.
Inside Secret: I am a science fanatic.
To land this amazing gentleman (Dr Arisaka) to speak at our humble gathering is surreal to me.
Yes, I have met the man who discovered Super String Theory, yet....
Would say, THIS our greatest accomplishment/guest to date.
READ THIS: At Secret Knock - the Good Doctor will be sharing his latest discoveries on detecting what ‘consciousness’ is.
Note: (His white paper on this topic will be submitted for a Nobel Prize)
*Our guests at SK will Be the FIRST public group in history to hear his findings.
Yes, it’s OK to say Holy Molly Guacamole -
It really is that amazing.
About: Dr. Katsushi Arisaka
High Energy, Astroparticle, and Neurophysics
- Direct Detection of Dark Matter. *There is overwhelming evidence that our universe is filled by invisible particles called dark matter. However its origin and nature are still unknown. We are conducting the world largest dark matter experiments (XENON and DarkSide) at Gran Sasso National Lab in Italy.
- Hadron Collider Experiment. *The most direct method to study the early Universe is to recreate it by colliding particles with an accelerator like the LHC at CERN in Switzerland. As a member of the CMS we have constructed muon detectors. We have recently discovered the Higgs Particle, also known as “God Particle”.
- Neurophysics. *Human brains are arguably the most complex objects in the Universe, consisting of 1011 neurons and 1014 connections. Using state-of-the-art experimental techniques I am exploring the origin of the consciousness, especially how we can recognize space and time.