Ultra "Secret Sauce for FM Success"from Zero to US$1.12 Trillion market

Ultra "Secret Sauce for FM Success"from Zero to US$1.12 Trillion market

Unlike every year this year as well on #WorldFMDay thought of celebrating this day with a writeup In essence, you ...as FM industry as Industry or professionals as a whole were just stringing you along and keeping you as side-dish, and not the main course thus far .Time is changing for good & positive for entire FM as a industry as it is trending ahead now as a stand up global change makers, symbol of Service with Pride and Progress.Do you actually feel for a function who are group of professionals full of humility who are keeping the #work environment worth releasing productivity on the go .They are the one constantly up keeping non stop tracking cleaning /sewages/washing dishes /mopping floors /dumping garbage happily while walking corridors lighting and energising world of health & wellness and continuously learning to cope up with change with pride to better up world.They are the one who hit the business bottom lines should their be any gaps .They are the life line of growth story just few level above a man/woman who is always found at peace but running worried however peddling progress with grace .At times someone who promises and deliver on behalf of his capable teams yes that is some one who wears the hat and takes of "flight to delight "as a way to work .

You must be wondering what is it we are talking yes while all of us know Facility Managers are known as a giver, a nice person. You enjoy doing kind things for your employees /clients. You make services delicious , run errands for them, maybe even do his that or what not however suddenly, you realize you’re doing most of the giving, and there’s not much reciprocity. You get a little resentful. You feel you’re being treated like a doormat. How could he take advantage of your kind nature? Well, the thing is, it was your choice to be so giving. Big FM emotional dilemma though In a healthy relationship, there’s a balance of give and take, and nobody’s keeping score. Those service professionals If you often feel like you’re the unappreciated giver then i believe service Industry as a whole needs to rebuilt strong foundation here on to overcome this statement undertake overtaking from Biology of Stress & science of hope .Yes greatest thing which as a human one needs is Motivation a desire, a feeling of excitement that inspires us to take action. A shift occurs when we change the way see things. Resilience is the ability to pick ourselves up when life challenges us and keep moving. Focus on developing all three and you become an unbeatable force.

It’s easy to be happy when life is flowing smoothly. It’s easy to stay motivated when we make progress. And it’s easy to be positive and take action when we believe, but what challenges most of us are the times when we make no progress, when nothing seems to be happening, or when we lose someone or feel hurt by someone important to us.Yes quite often Motivation dies during tough times in life of a FM and this is when so many people give up on their dreams. To create permanent change we need to create a shift in the way we perceive events so we can become more resilient. Tough times are a necessary part of life. They build character. We still need motivation, it helps to get us started but when we shift our perspective, we become more open minded, we are willing to do things differently, to look within, to BE different. A shift helps us grow and builds resilience.

And that is why I love FM as a profession so much. A good FM leader can help a client /teams shift their perspective. Help them recognise what is holding them back, see the opportunities that are right in front of them to be more and do more.

Today the very FM as a industry is an epitome of growth story as united to the tune of total as per Frost & Sullivan global FM market is estimated to be worth US$1.12 trillion* . The aggregate FM market for the countries pro led in this study was worth US$978 billion , with the outsourced FM market expected to gain share over in- house delivery in future.

As the maturity of outsourced FM customers grows, the nature of contracts in this industry is also expected to grow in sophistication. In general, contracts are expected to have remuneration frequently tied into performance based metrics.
India FM growth story

? The demand for FM services is increasing in terms of a widening scope of services and in geographic spread due to the booming real estate sector and the emphasis on urban development and modernisation. The Southern, Western, and Northern regions have more potential than the Eastern and central regions due to their ability to attract more investments.

? Around 38% of the total population (534.8 million) of India will be living in urban regions in 2025 and cities will account for 80% of India’s GDP in 2030. India will have 3 MajorCities (Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi) and Mega cities as Bangalore Ahmedabad Pune Hyderabad.

4 Mega Regions by 2025. An estimated investment of $216 billion will be pumped into India’s basic urban infrastructure to 2020, of which the government has stipulated close to $1.2 billion for smart city investment (with an ambitious plan to develop 100 smart cities).

? The competition in the FM services market is intense among both domestic and international service providers. The market is expected to witness more competition from new entrants, through merger and acquisition deals.

? Labour based contracts are more prominent in India and are highly pro table compared to square-feet and xed-price contracts.

? From a low base, the Indian market is expected to grow fast. Demand for IFM is expected to continue to be driven by multinational corporations, but alsoinfrastructure projects, and an increasing awareness among national organisations. Integration of facility management with project management services and other real estate services is gaining momentum to offer diverse solutions to customers under one roof.Price competitiveness

FM Outsourcing Trends

Areas-Trends-Major End Markets-Energy Management-Costs driving IFM-Shifts in Contracts-Public Sector.While outsourcing is common in all industry sectors, strong increases in outsourcing are seen in the IT banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, pharmaceutical and biotech sectors.

While building operation & maintenance and cleaning services remain the cornerstones of the outsourced FM industry, energy management services are fast gaining importance, particularly in developed markets.

Growth of IFM is driven by companies looking to consolidate what has been outsourced already under fewer providers or to restructure the pricing of their current contracts to generate additional savings.

Why its critical to reInnovate Zero ?

? Innovating to Zero is going to be a futuristic vision that re ects the desire for perfection in modern society: A zero-concept world with a vision of zero carbon emissions, zero wastage water,zero accidents, and carbon-neutral cities.Although this seemingly perfect world sounds almost impossible, companies today are moving toward this picture-perfect vision of eliminating errors, defects, and other negative externalities by creating for themselves a huge challenge and opportunity.

A Net Zero building, as the term suggests, is a building with net energy consumption or carbon emissions per annum equal to zero. Some of these buildings can be off the grid and can harvest energy on site.

Future is Now

As these green building continue to gain popularity, FM companies will need todevelop capabilities to manage the entire operation of the buildings to ensure it is carbon neutral through intelligent systems, integration of renewable energy such as solar and wind, and other energy-saving features. FM providers will also need to innovate towards zero security breaches including digital theft in todays data dependent connected world.

Secret Sauce to Success in FM is all about most people who have more strengths than they realise, just have a look at this list to see how many strengths you already have, and add your own if it’s not included here to mark #WorldFMday celebrations !

Creativity-Curiosity-Open mindednessWillingness-Determination-Love of learning-CourageBeing able to see things from different points of view-Persistence-Kindness-Integrity-EnergyPositivity-Optimism-Leadership-Diplomacy-Emotional or intellectual intelligence-Forgiveness-Humility-Gratitude-Self control-Discipline-Humour-Light heartedness-Peacemaking

Yes we know Rome was not built in a day thus at times we often hear that the younger generation are not resilient, and that is partly because they have grown up with more than previous generations, but life gives everyone equal opportunities to become more resilient, sometimes they come in a different shape to what we expect.

I would not be who I am today if I had not made the choice to look for the good in every experience. Being an optimist is a strength which has become part of my personal calling as a FM professional. Pause for a moment and consider your life challenges and ask yourself, who is life calling you to be right now?

Think that bigger picture now just paint your dreams & untold desires to be that best brand you ever wanted to be ,as a Great service to Human with smile & that Human Touch as #Facility Manager which truly makes a difference in billion life we touch everyday !

To summarise thoughts For the Industry across #Worldfmday celebrations year on year is an era to note your strength and work on the areas to learn -unlearn relearn just to win that moment to bring on someones life smile happiness which they deserve & crave for ,time to set resolutions to conquer People Process & technology build positive culture tune in tap into a way to work and better end user experience now and ever!!

It is said A simple 'thank you' can go a long way. Be sure to tell the people in your life when you notice that they're working hard work and making a difference. I just thanked the FM fraternity who keep the flag of FM ever high by writing note of appreciation i pass the winning button to you ...

Your Challenge: At least once each week, take the time to thank a co-worker and let them know specifically why you appreciate working with them.

Hope you find the post helpful I am excited to hear what you think of it !

Disclaimer- all views are mine doesn't represent opinion or policy of my esteemed employers

Rajeesh Deb Roy ?? Thank you for sharing wonderful tips and Brilliant views.


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