The Secret To Running A Successful Hiring Process; Math
Silas M?hner ????
Placing Top Talent @ Early Stage Climate Startups for a Fraction of the Cost //AND// Co-Hosting CleanTechies Podcast???
How to Translate a JD and Opinion into Math
TLDR: Hiring well = turning your job description into a math problem.
Running a hiring process is complicated. This is especially hard when running a search in a space like ClimateTech, where the candidate needs a specific network, skillset, culture fit, and motivation.
Here’s how you can simplify this: math.
While I listed out 4 areas, you can boil these down into 2 buckets.
(1) Skillset Fit and (2) Culture Fit
This is what you do for each??
Skillset Fit
Do you want help hiring tough-to-find talent at a criminally discounted rate? Reach out today. (Note: we only offer this service to ClimateTech startups in the US)
Culture Fit
(read the rest of this post on The Climate Talent Playbook Substack -- psst! It's free)
Are you an early-stage ClimateTech founder hiring tough-to-find talent? Feel free to book a call with Silas. We can make sure there is a synergy and take it from there. Book a Call
Silas M?hner is the Founder of ErthTech Talent -- a Recruitment Consultancy offering Absurdly Discounted Headhunting Services for Early-Stage ClimateTech startups.
He is also the creator and co-host of the CleanTechies Podcast, The #1 Podcast for ClimateTech Entreprenuers. Listen on Apple , Spotify , Substack , or YouTube .
In addition to this, he also finds time to maintain a project called Catholic Founders . The #1 Publication For Catholic Founders & Business Owners. It's a publication and podcast on Substack that you can check out if you're interested in the intersection of Catholocism and Business.
Thank you for reading! ?? Let's save the world together! ?? ??
Building ?? | Ex VC, 2x Founder
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Placing Top Talent @ Early Stage Climate Startups for a Fraction of the Cost //AND// Co-Hosting CleanTechies Podcast???
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