The Secret
The Secret is a self-help book by Rhonda Byrne that explains how the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.
Lesson 1 : The law of attraction works when you think in positives or negatives, It works both way.
Lesson 2 : To manifest your dreams, you must ask, believe, and then receive.
Besides regularly thinking about your goals, visualizing them, and framing them positively, Rhonda suggests an actual, three-step process you can use to make the law of attraction work for you:
Lesson 3 : One of the strongest rules in life is the law of attraction.
While Byrne packaged the idea in a new way, which appealed to the masses, the law of attraction itself is as old as we are: like attracts like. In Germany, we have a saying: “As you shout into the woods, so they echo back.” In essence, the law of attraction states that what you think and feel determines what you’ll attract into your life.
Here’s the essence of?The Secret book in 3 lessons: