The Secret Power of Virtual Agents
Credit: Bing Image Creator powered by DALL-E

The Secret Power of Virtual Agents

Did you know that Power Virtual Agents have a secret power? They can receive information from the user’s browser. You might say “What? That’s it? That’s useless!”. Well, not unless you know what to send to your bot and how you can use it to boost your customer’s experience!

Should we dive in?

What's in your browser?

Let’s start with the basics: what kind of information can your browser access? Well, quite a lot actually! It can see your screen resolution, your OS, your browser's version, the plugins you have installed, your ISP, your language but also some very powerful info: it can tell which page you are currently on and from where in the world you are.?

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Your browser's User Agent contains a LOT of informations. Browser version, OS version, etc.

Most modern websites use a standard page structure that contains meaningful names in the URL. Let’s stay we have products and services sections on our Power Pages website, and each subpages follow the same principles. Then when users click on our chat bot to start a session, we can tell they are in /Product/Solar-Panel/ or /Service/Lawn-maintenance/, etc.

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The subpage URL now contains the keywords "Products" and "Solar Panels", that will become very useful once we pass that info to our chat bot.

We can send that information to our bot to contextualize the customer experience. You might have the bot say, "Hey, you need help with that particular service?", "Hey, this product is great for Atlanta, GA!".

How to pass information to a topic

So how do we do this using Power Virtual Agent? First, we need to create a topic that will receive all this information. For today's example we will store the page of the user and its longitude and latitude.

In our greetings topic we will ask a few fake questions (in the sense that the user will never see them) to collect information.

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We can put anything in the text of the question since the user will never see it: the variable will be set by the browser and our bot will skip that question automatically.

Each answer has to be stored in global variables and we will authorize those variables to be set externally. Here we will save the page that the user is on in a variable called "pageAccess".

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Very important to allow the variable to be set by external sources.

We will do the same thing for the longitude and latitude:

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I will store the longitude and latitude of the user in 2 separate variables.

Then we will call OpenAI using a Power Automate flow to convert those coordinates into a more useful Info. We will even ask for JSON so we can parse it in our Virtual Agent.

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Longitude and latitude parameters in, one JSON out

?Here is the detail of the flow in case you want to see the prompt:

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We don't need a fancy API to transform our coordinates in city + state, we just ask OpenAI to do it and to give us the output in JSON!

Here is what the output will look like when we call this flow:

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OpenAI returns the city and state in a JSON format ready to be parsed in PVA.

We can apply the same logic to convert the page URL in a more friendly structure.

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No need for a regex, GPT takes care of the conversion with a simple prompt.

We can now use those informations using the new "parse value" action. It is an awesome feature as you can see!

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We can provide a sample of JSON to create the necessary schema for parsing the data.

Once we have parsed the JSON we can use the values to set variables in our bot.

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Notice how I can access the information in the JSON by using the standard "object.value" syntax?

Once we have setup your topic in Power Virtual Agents we need to inject some JavaScript into our website to retrieve the information and hand it over to your bot.

Here is the full custom canvas script including retrieving the GPS coordinates from the user's browser (using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition) as well as the current page of the browser (using window.location.pathname).

Note that the variables name we send to our agent in the createStore function must match the name from our topic (pageAccess, userLatitude, userLongitude).

        let pageLocation = window.location.pathname;
        console.log("pageLocation: " + pageLocation);
        var latitude = "0";
        var longitude = "0";

        // Check if geolocation is supported by the browser
        if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
          // Prompt user for permission to access their location
            // Success callback function
            (position) => {
              // Get the user's latitude and longitude coordinates
              latitude = position.coords.latitude;
              longitude = position.coords.longitude;
              console.log(`Latitude: ${latitude}, longitude: ${longitude}`);
            // Error callback function
            (error) => {
              // Handle errors, e.g. user denied location sharing permissions
              console.error("Error getting user location:", error);
        } else {
          // Geolocation is not supported by the browser
          console.error("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");

        // delay load of external chatbot ressource to wait for GPS coordinate
        setTimeout(function() {
          console.log("Loading script");
          var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];         
          var newScript = document.createElement('script');
          newScript.type = 'text/javascript';
          newScript.src = '';
        }, 2000);

        function loadBot(){
          console.log("Loading bot");
          const styleOptions = {
            // Add styleOptions to customize web chat canvas
            // hideUploadButton: true

          // Add your BOT ID below
          var theURL = "YOUR_BOT_ID";

          const store = window.WebChat.createStore(
             ({ dispatch }) => next => action => {
                 if (action.type === "DIRECT_LINE/CONNECT_FULFILLED") {
                    var dispatchJSON = {
                          meta: {
                               method: "keyboard",
                           payload: {
                               activity: {
                                     channelData: {
                                          postBack: true,
                                      //Web Chat will trigger "conversation start" System Topic message automatically
                                      name: 'startConversation',
                                      type: "event",
                                      value: {
                                        text: "trigger phrase",
                                        pageAccess: pageLocation,
                                        userLatitude: latitude,
                                        userLongitude: longitude,
                            type: "DIRECT_LINE/POST_ACTIVITY",
               return next(action);
              .then(response => response.json())
              .then(conversationInfo => {
                          directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({
                              token: conversationInfo.token,
                          store: store,
                          styleOptions: styleOptions
              .catch(err => console.error("An error occurred: " + err));

Note: you will need your bot ID that is available in Settings > Channels > Mobile App > Token Endpoint.

It took me a while to make the above piece of code work because of the asynchronous call to the browser's GPS - I am sure there could be a cleaner way of doing it rather than using the timeout function to delay the bot load: the key is to have received the GPS coordinates from the browser before we instantiate the bot (otherwise the variables will be empty). Another way could be using the IP address to get a more approximate location (but that is not always accurate because of VPNs).

Once we have modified our custom canvas and deployed it on our website, we can start testing our bot to make sure it receives the right info.

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I put some debug messages in my topic to show what the bot has received in the background.

Now that we have all this info (page name, GPS coordinate) we can tailor the bot interactions for a better experience (without having the user to input anything).

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Our bot can now proactively suggest conversation starters based on the current page!

With that technique we can pull the right product/service information and start a targeted conversation without the user even asking! You can redirect the user to the closest location without having to ask for an address, you can suggest filling a contact form to if the user is on the support page, you can push a promo code if the user is on the checkout page, etc.

Combine those informations with Power Automate and Dataverse and you can create an amazing customer experience: the possibilities are endless!


Design Director | StudioX | WPP | Coca-Cola

1 年

I’m going to have to ask you some basica on VA’s next time I see you.

Daniel Song

Tencent - Sr Cloud Consultant | Reshaping IT operations with AI and automation.

1 年

love it, Rémi Dyon ,can not wait to implementation

Daniel Hotz

Technical Sales Manager for Business Applications - Dynamics 365

1 年

This is the next level of virtual agents ?? Amazing example Rémi Dyon

Eran Fuks

Owner at Biz Aid- Power Platform Expert

1 年

Thanks for sharing!


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