Secret of Nakshatras?:[Easy Astro Series-047D/1 of 27(Ashwini):Decoding the Nakshatras]
Sarvesh Shirwaikar
Associate Vice President I Design I Navi Mumbai International Airport I City Side Developments I Real Estate Developments I Project/Construction Management I Design Management I Principal Architect I Astrologist
In the earlier articles(47A,47B and 47C) we have understood the basic?knowledge about the Nakshatras and their significance in Astrology and their role in our lives.We will now try to decode the Nakshatras as per our each individual Moon sign and also not to forget the Ascendant Sign Nakshatra.So how do we decode the Nakshatras,to understand?ourselves better?.
Before we get into respective significations of each nakshatras,we will need to make note of the following and pen it down for easy reference:
1.Using any of the free astrology softwares online(such as astrosage,saptharishis etc) we need to jot down our Moon sign Nakshatra(Moon will be placed in a particular sign of the zodiac and we need to note down the particular zodiac).
2.Also note down the Nakshatra of the Ascendant sign.
3.Further,we need to also note the sub division(pada or in layman terms further detailing) of the Nakshatra for Moon and Ascendant sign respectively.
In basic terms the outline of the life of an?individual will be?governed?by the two Nakshatras(Moon and Ascendant including the Padas).Once you are aware about these it is very?easy to understand the?past, present and future pattern of your life.Its?simple, easy and relatable and?extremely mind blowing.
We will now begin with each of the Nakshatras(Total 27 in Number).
1.Ashwini?[Aries 0 to Aries 13-20’]
Nature: Masculine, Vaishyas, spiritual, gentle, looking forward, sight weak, lunar, no. of stars 3, ruled by demigod the Ashwini kumars, traders, shaped like a horse's head, short, Kul.
ASHWINI is a deva or godly star, auspicious in nature, and is related to the Ashwini- Kumaras, demigods/devas who ride in a golden chariot, healing people, bringing light andhappiness. Ideastobegleanedfromthisstararethelightofdawn,the transport of goods, and performance of miracles.
When this star is on the ascendant, we find a likeable person with a lovely appearance, well-dressed and ornamented, efficient in work, living by respectable means, and the prominent member of the family. It is a resolute person, able to control eating habits, happy, carefree and modest, though more financially successful than most.
The star Aswini rules horses and their dealers and riders, physicians (this star presides over the celestial physicians, the Aswini Kumaras), merchants, attractive personalities, attendants, astrologers, and commandants.
1st Pada: THE MOON AT; 0 degrees to 3-20 degrees Aries;
Of unsteady mind, having sinful attachments, indulg-ing in sensual pleasures and?with a tendency to criticize others.
2nd Pada: THE MOON AT; 3-20 degrees to 6-40 degrees Aries;Having scriptural knowledge; having many talents, a jack of all trades; handsome in appearance and a good learner.
3rd Pada: THE MOON AT; 6-40 degrees to l0 degrees Aries;
Mathematical talents; earning by physical labor; a good teacher or advertiser; suffering from piles; a villainous streak.
4th Pada: THE MOON AT; 10 degrees to 13-20 degrees Aries;
Effeminate; wise, truthful, rich, liked by the opposite sex, knowledge of astrology.
Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: ASWINI:
1st Pada: Not good for the child or for the father?
2nd Pada: Good
3rd Pada: Good?
4th Pada: Good
*Source:28 Nakshatras - The Real Secrets of Vedic Astrology (An e-book)
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