The Secret To A Lush Green Lawn Is To Water It Strategically
Understand the lawn language. Trust me! It’s not complicated at all. Just make sure that you do not take it for granted. Your lawn is perfectly leveled. It has no traces of weed. But you’re wondering when and for how long do you have to water your lawn. You are brainstorming about how often your lawn requires watering.
For starters, don’t let that sprinkler run all day long. It is not only skyrocketing your water bill but also drowning your grassroots and cutting off the oxygen supply. A healthy lawn is an American socio-economic status symbol. If you do it right; you will get an aesthetically pleasing lawn with a lower water bill.
Let’s discuss lawn watering basics that every lawn owner needs.
What is the most suitable time to water your lawn?
Needless to say, early morning is the best time to water your lawn. But if you’re not an early bird, then you can opt for irrigating in the evening. The main purpose is to not water all day or all night.
Watering in the morning
Why should you water early in the morning?
Firstly, the ideal time to water your grass is considered to be between 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The weather is cool. This cooler temperature will prevent evaporation of water occurring under the scorching sun. This aids in the percolation of water through the soil. The water soaks into the soil before it can evaporate.
Secondly, the humidity is high and the breeze is calm. As the wind is stable, it will not distort the spray from its target.
Thirdly, your lawn has got all day to evaporate the moistness slowly.
Watering in the evening or late afternoon
If you get the job done and dusted at dawn itself, then it’s way better. But circumstances may lead to sometimes watering in the evening. If so then try to stick to the time frame between 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. This way the grass blades and roots get enough time to dry off before nightfall.
It’s still preferable to not water after sundown. Wet foliage is a delight for disease-causing organisms such as mold, moss and fungus.
What should be your time span for watering your lawn?
Rooting for healthy roots of your lawn grass is not unexpected. But, firstly you have to get the hang of the time span for which you should water your lawn.
Try the famous “Screwdriver Test”. Your lawn needs 6 inches of soil to soak in water for luxuriant growth. After watering, poke an 8-inch screwdriver into the soil. If it goes inside easily up to 6 inches; know for sure that you’ve watered enough. Take a timer from the next time and measure the time.
You can also use a coffee mug. Mark the ? -inch level inside the cup and place it near the root of a sprinkler. Notice how long it takes for water to reach the mark. Use a timer. Set the timer from the following day.
These measures will keep you from over-watering or watering too little. Preferably, a watering session of 20-30 minutes is ample.
How frequently should you water your lawn?
Be infrequent. Your lawn needs 1-inch water a week. If you are irrigating once a week, make sure you apply 1 inch of water. If you are irrigating twice a week, then you must break it down. Apply ? inch water per session per day.
Now, you may develop this illusion that if you water it daily; then it’s best for your lawn. Be alarmed! It causes surface runoff and soggy patches throughout your yard.
Let the roots drink up to their fill but do not over-water. But if you give too little water, they’ll shrivel up and dry.
There’s no clear-cut rule about how often you should water your lawn. It’s because there are a plethora of factors that you have to bear in mind. Some of them are:
Soil Type
If your soil type is clay, know that clay absorbs water very slowly. It may take hours or even days before a single inch of water can soak into the soil. In this case, use a sprinkler that showers water slowly. So, you can go with a deep and infrequent rule.
Sandy soil can’t retain much water. So, for this type, you need sprinklers that apply water quickly.
In hot weather or dry summer season, your lawn needs more water frequently. The grasses tend to enter a state of dormancy in which they turn dull green and stop growing. You should recognize the need of your lawn and adjust the watering system.
In the rainy season, you can forget about watering your lawn. Pay close attention to any change in the weather.
Wrapping Up
I’d like to wrap up by saying that I know it’s not an easy feat to take care of a lawn. But a beautiful lawn needs the owner’s attention. It’s a sight for sore eyes.