The Secret of Life that No One Takes Advantage of
Katie Wallace
Writer | Growth Strategist @ House of the Rising Moon | Building a Community-Centered System for Regenerative Growth & Relational Exchange | Mindful Muse Newsletter ??
So many people are over-complicating the shit out of life right now. I say this as one of those people who has, for a brief moment, been reprieved of needing to run the show. So often, these openings happen by way of pain and you have no choice but to peer beyond the curtain of your Ego's thinly, sometimes thickly, guised veil of insecurities and fears masquerading as the truth. That is until the pain gets great enough, the curtain falls, and Truth engulfs you.?
In these moments of raw truth, you see why everything had to happen exactly as it did and why everything is unfolding exactly as it should.
Well, what about the war in Ukraine, the women in Iran, and the destruction of the environment? And my boss, he is a real dick...don’t get me started on inflation and the cost of living!
Yes, that all exists. Horrible things happen every single moment. Frustrating things crop up, and life can often feel heavy and painful. But there are also beautiful, mundane, and downright dull things that happen every moment, as well.?
IT'S ALL HAPPENING. Everything, everywhere all at once.?
It doesn’t mean you don’t acknowledge it and help when you can. It just means you choose where you direct your energy versus giving it away unconsciously.?
If you can, let go of everything happening in the world for a minute. Take your fingers to the metaphorical image of your life and zoom all the way into where you are right now. Maybe you're sipping on some warm coffee or tea, and sun rays are peaking through your blinds. The kids are off to school, and fall is whispering in the October air. Let this moment consume you. Nothing exists outside of right now…
Are you okay at this moment?
The Secret to Life
Our rational thinking minds are valuable. They allow us to problem-solve and innovate. But when we only operate rationally, we deprive ourselves of magic. Yeah, woo woo, inexplicable, soul-tingling alive AF magic.
I'm going to share one of the secrets to life that almost no one takes advantage of, and break it down so you can actually start to practice it.?
I have spent more than a decade experimenting, practicing, and learning how to go deeper into this. It's an ancient technology that we all have installed within us that has been talked about throughout all of human existence. Some people call it God, others call it intuition, some call it inner knowing, and others call it the Higher Self. As of late, I refer to it as the Still Self, uncreatively so because this voice comes to me when I'm still. Still not in the absence of movement, but still on the inside. A stillness that happens when your nervous system is calm, and you are rooted into your Being.
Often people will confuse their thoughts with the Still Self, but the more you cultivate inner stillness, the more you will be able to differentiate between the two. This looks very different for everyone. For example, some people hear a voice, others see words in their mind's eye, and others see visions or mental images.
For me, thoughts and the Still Self are similar. I confused them for a long time and I would second-guess myself. But as I’ve continued to watch and either ignore or take action, I’ve noticed distinct differences. Thoughts take some effort, almost as if I can feel myself thinking them. They are confident and convincing. They reason with me and always try to provide supporting evidence. Whereas the Still Self flows in randomly, it is direct, yet calm and even-keeled, and does not try to convince. It is unattached and does not have a preference for what I decide to do or not do.?
As a daily journaler, the ways I have ignored and followed this inner knowing are well documented. When I have ignored it in the past, things have gone badly. Usually, there was a temporary period when things were good, but invariably, I end up hurt and defeated. Conversely, when I listen to this voice, things flow. I don't always get what I want, but there is much less of a struggle. Life is more beautiful and fulfilling when I just say ''yes'' and take action on what my Still Self says.
How to Start
Physical activity, meditation, and journaling can be beneficial when first learning how to tune in to your own inner guide or Still Self. However, learning how to listen and actually listening are two very different things. You don't just do these things and will this voice to tell you what to do next. This is an ongoing practice that creates an environment of stillness within you so that as intuition flows, your mind isn't jumbled and you can actually pick up on it.
I've talked a lot about "doing the obvious" which is also a good place to begin fostering this stillness. Some of the obvious for you to evaluate in your own life that will help lessen internal and external noise and stressors:
If this sounds wildly simple, it's because it is. It doesn't mean that practicing it is, which is why almost no one does it. But, it's available to you whenever you're ready :)
Do you have any experience listening to your intuition or Still Self?
What was helpful for you in learning to better listen to and take action on what you heard?
Do you think this is a complete woo-woo fantasy land of bonkers bananas?