The Secret Key
The Secret Key
Parental alienation is horrific when it occurs. It is destructive and has no boundaries in terms of, who or where it attacks. We come from all walks of life, every country as well as, the rich to the poor. Even, the famous, powerful and unknowns are not immune from this epidemic. This affects us all.
It stretches its tentacles far and wide in the effort to destroy their unsuspecting victims. When this happens, many times, there is no escape in sight. Try as we may, the alienator is unrelenting in their actions and no one is able to convince them to change their course of destruction. For some unknown reason(s), these individuals are hell-bent in their bid to harm the person they once, professed to love.
In the meantime, we victims are left in the lurches and no one ever hears our pleas for help. Even, the family courts often turn a blind eye to what is happening. The suffering and anguish we endure goes unnoticed and the reign of terror continues unabated. Whole families are ultimately decimated to a shell of their former self and struggle to move forward in the attempt to find safe footing again.
Even our own families, friends and others do not understand the magnitude of what we endure emotionally when going through this process. It’s unfortunate that any parent, grandparent or child is ever subjected to this level of inhumanity or lack of compassion for one another. When the world wakes up and understands that parental alienation is real, we may see positive changes for all involved.
Until then, tears will fall, hearts will be broken and loving memories, never created. This is what an alienator causes and they are assisted through the inactions of those who are meant to protect us and our children.
It’s terrible when this phenomenon enters our life, but unfortunately, it is our new reality. It is something we are forced to contend with until, we find a way to unlock the door of justice. Rest assured, there is a way to be found, but we must seek it out and that means, coming out of the darkness to let the light shine through.
When this day arrives, our alienator and their enablers will face the consequences for all the pain and suffering they have caused. No more, will they wield the hammer of power over us. Instead, they shall be subjected to the legal recourses that strip away all their wrongful actions and allow normality to be regained in the lives of all innocent parents and our children.
I hold faith that, one day this will happen and happiness will be restored to each of us wholly and completely. Smiles will replace the sorrow that has long been embedded in our hearts and joy will give way to the past transgressions of those who stole all that is important to us – children and peace.
We must not allow this madness to continue. If, we sit back and do nothing our children will become the bi-product of what our alienator has been allowed to create and carry forth these same traits into their own future lives. Parental alienation must end and this means, we have to push past our own pain and suffering in order to teach others about what we are going through.
Fortunately, the lion is waking up and starting to roar. In time, it will rise and let the world know it is no longer behind locked doors because, we are searching for the Secret key to unlock it.
By David Shubert