The secret is that there is no secret

The secret is that there is no secret

The secret is that there is no secret

I recently traveled to Zermatt, Switzerland for a mastermind hosted by my mentor. First time heading to Europe, and it was a decently long 7 hour flight across the pond. I landed in France, and took a connecting flight to Geneva. After in Geneva, it was a 4 hour train ride to reach the ski town of Zermatt.

As I’m embarking on this trip to reach Zermatt, the whole time I’m thinking about my business, and what could I be doing to impact more lives, what changes could I make today that would move the needle forward.

In the midst of the beautiful scenery, something my mentor said to me before the trip kept coming back up.

“The secret is that there is no secret”

What does that even mean, what separates the hyper successful from anyone else, the Musk, Jobs, and Jordans of the world from the everyday Joe’s.

It’s the patterns that we see repeated over and over again, and that’s what I want to talk about today.

The secret is that there is no secret

But there is a recipe to success, a pattern that has been repeated over and over again from entrepreneurs across every industry.

3. Superiority Complex

At some deep subconscious level, successful people believe they have a destiny to fulfill.

They believe that they are given a gift and a responsibility to perform great things, tasks that would scare the average individual, which elevates them into what we know as the superiority or god complex.

2. Massive Insecurity

The superiority complex is a pull towards greatness, the massive insecurity is a push away from never being enough, and it’s a fuel that can drive massive growth, but is also dangerous if it’s never understood or explored.

3. Impulse Control

Lastly, highly successful individuals are able to remain in control of their emotions, whims and desires, and have the ability to focus on the task at hand. They have control over the mind and body, and can subjugate them for the right reasons.

At the end of the day, the work is hard, but it’s simple. We should look to be the fastest iterating people, that constantly learn, improve, and grow. But to do this, we have to lock in, stop searching for the secret, and continue doing the work, and improving our ability to work.


