The secret to how attitude impacts leadership.

The secret to how attitude impacts leadership.

Do you believe attitude has any bearing on your success? Do you believe attitude has any bearing on your effectiveness as a leader??

“Attitude is always a player on your team”

If you played team sports growing up as a kid, you could always tell the talented from the untalented players. This may sound harsh, but during our physical development years, talent always rises to the top. Skill isn’t really a thing yet, because most kids in middle school or high school don’t really take the time to practice outside of their team meetings.??

As we grow, and leave the controlled environment of school, we start to see a different world. A world that is based on hard work, quality of work, and how productive we can be. We quickly learn that “Talent is not enough.”?

I’m bringing up this subject because talented players don’t always translate to a successful person, or a successful team. I recently watched a video by YouTube content creator JxmyHighroller. He’s a former basketball player, and fan of the NBA. He brought to light an idea that shocked me. Over the last 36 years of the NBA, the MVP trophy has only been given out 5 times to a player who was not on the most successful team.?

I’m sure many of us would agree that the average talent level of an NBA player is far greater than the average talent of a high school athlete. But if talent alone isn’t enough to be regarded as the most valuable player on a bad NBA team, doesn’t it make sense that we can’t be the most valuable player on any bad team??

If you’re reading this content, you aren’t likely a professional athlete, but you are a professional. And in my 14+ years of working since graduating college, I’ve discovered many similarities to being an athlete, and working in America today. No matter how big or small the team/organization, you’ve got to have great players to win. You can’t win without good players, but you can lose with them. But it also takes much more than talented people to win.?

Allow me to share something with you from leadership Author John C. Maxwell:?


It is the “advance man” of our true selves.?

Its roots are inward but its fruit is outward.

It is our best friend or our worst enemy.

It is more honest and more consistent than our words.?

It is an outward look based on past experiences.?

It is a thing which draws people to us or repels them.

It is never content until it is expressed.

It is the librarian of our past.

It is the speaker of our present.

It is the prophet of our future.?

Good attitudes among players do not guarantee a team’s success, but bad attitudes guarantee its failure.?

Let’s discuss a few truths about attitude.?

Truth One: Attitudes have the power to lift up or tear down a team.

How would you measure the results of your team??

Studies have shown that there are only four results a team can produce:

  • Bad Results
  • Average Results
  • Good Results
  • Great Results

How does this happen??

In the Winner’s Edge Denis Waitley stated, “The real leaders in business, in the professional community, in education, in government, and in the home all seem to draw upon a special cutting edge that separates them from the rest of society. The winner’s edge is in the attitude, not aptitude.”?

Plenty of talented teams in the world never amount to anything because of the attitudes of their players.?

For instance, a team of great players with rotten attitudes will always result in a bad team. A team of great players with bad attitudes will always result in an average team. A team of great players with average attitudes will always result in a good team. And a team of great players with good attitudes will always result in a great team.?

The data has shown if you want outstanding results, you need good people with great talent and awesome attitudes. When attitudes go up, so does the potential of the team. When attitudes go down, the potential of the team goes with it.?

How can you gauge your team’s attitudes? Survey them. Start by asking your team questions such as the following:?

  1. Mission and Vision - Does your company’s mission/vision inspire you??
  2. Meaningful work - Do you find your work meaningful??
  3. Daily experience - How do you feel when you come into work everyday??
  4. Recommendation - On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our organization to your family or friends??
  5. Work-Life Balance - On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your work-life balance?
  6. Feedback and Communication - Do you receive constructive feedback about your work??

Okay, we’ve explored the first truth about attitude. Let’s move on to the next which is “An attitude compounds when exposed to others.” Multiple things on a team are not contagious: talent, experience, a willingness to practice. But you can be sure of one thing: Attitude is contagious. When someone on the team is teachable and his humility is rewarded by improvement, others are more likely to display similar characteristics.?

When a leader is upbeat in the face of discouraging circumstances, others admire that quality and want to be like her. When a team member displays a strong work ethic and begins to have a positive impact, others imitate him. People become inspired by their peers, and they have a tendency to adopt the attitudes of those they spend time with.?

An example of this is the story of Roger Bannister. During the first half of the twentieth century, many sports experts believed that no runner could run a mile in less than four minutes. And for a long time they were right. But on May 6, 1954, British runner and university student Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds during a meet in Oxford.

But here’s what’s more interesting than his accomplishment. Less than 2 months later, another runner, Australian John Landy, also broke the four-minute barrier. Then suddenly dozens and then hundreds of others broke it. Why? Because the best runners’ attitudes changed. They began to adopt the mindsets and beliefs of their peers.?

How can you apply this to your business teams? Find the top performer in any group. Assess their attitude, and challenge them to change it for the better. What you will find in a very short period of time, their peers will fall in line behind them like dominoes.?

Bannister’s attitude and actions compounded when exposed to others. His attitude spread. Today, every world-class runner who competes at that distance can run a mile in less than four minutes. Attitudes are contagious!?

So what’s the secret to how attitude impacts leadership??

Attitude is the difference between winning and losing as a leader. It’s what separates the champions from the 1st runner ups. And it’s what builds legacy’s instead of one hit wonders.?

If leadership is the vehicle that gets your team moving towards the destination, attitude is the fuel that powers a successful journey.?

Be on the lookout for our next newsletter article as we will dive into Truth 2 of Attitude. I think you’re really going to like it.?

P.S. Are you interested in checking out JxmyHighrollers video on the MVPs in the history of the NBA? You can check it out by clicking here - When You're The Best Player In The World And No One Cares

Until next time!?

Continue Leading Daily!


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