The Secret Hidden Inside Every Free Book

The Secret Hidden Inside Every Free Book

How much is one printed book worth to its author?

Back in 2016, on my Radio Free Enterprise podcast, publisher Chuck Boyce told me a story about one of his authors selling three copies of his book on Amazon.

The author, a tax attorney, saw each of those $15 purchases turn into five-figure engagements for his firm. Not bad.

But, what if an author were to forego even the $15, and give his or her book away at no charge? Would it still be possible to generate tens of thousands of dollars in revenue?

Seminar attendees lining up to receive free autographed copies of my latest book at ALX in Old Town

If my experience, and that of my clients, is any guide, the answer is a resounding YES!

At the start of every book publishing engagement, I tell each author, "You're not writing a book so you can make a lot of money by selling a lot of books. You're writing a book that sells a lot of you." And that's just the way it works out.

Like the lawyer cited above, I have landed multiple five-figure contracts by using a complimentary copy of my book as my primary in-person sales tool.

Gus and George Christofi, owners of Cosmos Heating and Cooling, saw sales at their HVAC business increase over 60% the first year they began giving free copies of their book to homeowners and commercial clients.

And note investing expert Martin Saenz has leveraged his position as a bestselling author to generate over $200,000 in coaching and mentoring fees in the 16 months since his first book was published.

"My wife and I are convinced that, the more books I write, the more money we make," Martin told me recently. I published his third book Friday and he is currently writing his fourth.

Could it work for you? That depends on the business you're in.

If each new client's first purchase from you is in the high four-figures or higher, or if their lifetime value is in the five- to six-figure range, the strategic application of a book to your sales process should generate 100% ROI in six months or less.

After that, this powerful sales tool, and your status as a published author, are yours to enjoy forever and ever, amen.

As proof of my belief in this principle, I'm offering you a complimentary, autographed copy of my latest book, Digital Media Positioning, The Art & Science of Attracting Nothing But A-List Clients.

Just send me a message through LinkedIn or email and I'll sign one and send it out to you by priority mail. Be sure to include your mailing address in your message!

And do me a favor, will you? When you crack open your complimentary copy, see if you can't find the secret power hidden within. ;-)

Frank Felker




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