The SECRET of Having No More Cold Hands and Feet
Winter comes and we dress warm.
Still our hands and feet get cold. No matter what kind of gloves I was wearing my fingers and hands were always cold.
If I was outside for longer periods no matter how thick of a sock I wore my feet were cold.
Last year I’ve tried out the Wim Hoff method. I’ve written all about it in this post.
Besides the main method Wim has a great thing to do if you suffer from cold extremities. Let me be upfront with you, it’s hard.
Actually you might not like it.
His solution is to submerge your hands and feet into ice cold water for minutes at a time. And this cures the cold extremities problem.
Now I was doing cold shower for a number of years now. And I already started doing the Wim Hoff Method which is essentially cold therapy still I wasn’t prepared for this.
The method is simple all you need is get a bucket with cold water and then add ice. Wait until the temperature drops to 0 degrees.
Then put your hand or foot and leave it there for a few minutes. Wim advises to gradually increase exposure from a few minutes up to 8. Never go over 8 because there’s no benefit after it.
Ok simple enough let’s try it. At first I started with my feet. I set the timer for 5 minutes.
The initial contact was ok. But then I felt the pain. It’s hard to describe it. The easiest way to picture it is as thousands of needles poking you from inside.
The science works like this. You skin senses the extreme cold and shuts down the blood flow to that part of the body. This is the painful part. This is done so it protects the heart, lungs and all internal organs. After 5 minutes or so the blood vessels open up and blood flow is restarted.
If you have an infrared camera you can see that you skin is around 10 degrees.
Now after I plunged in my first foot then my second followed and both of my arms. It was painful. Jokes aside it really hurt.
At the second attempt I didn’t want to waste 24 minutes with ice bathing. So I’ve decided to plunge both feet and hands at the same time. Again pain came and after around 5 minutes the pain stopped and felt the warm blood flow.
I’ve done this method once a week for a few months. The pain was always there. But eventually I got used to it.
What about the results?
It worked. Well at least most of the times.
When I was outside I didn’t need gloves. I’ve put my hands in the snow and felt the same pain and I knew that in matter of minutes the blood vessels will open and blood flow will continue.
With practice this happened faster and faster.
What do I mean by most of the times? Well there were a few occasions when I was outside for 20 minutes and I didn’t feel that inside warmth. I don’t know why it didn’t work then.
Dear reader have you tried this?
Or will you try it?
It’s painful and it has a lot of benefits.
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