Secret of Happiness @ Work
Nalini worked as a nurse at a government hospital. Over time, she got fed up of dealing with ungrateful, complaining patients, back-biting among the hospital staff, and a demanding management. Finally she could not take it any more and decided to quit the job. She was very friendly with another nurse Devina, so she shared her decision with her, pouring out all the complaints she had from the job.
Devina gave a patient ear to all her complaints and supported her decision to quit. However, she came up with a very unusual suggestion.
"Nalini, I want you to try a little experiment before leaving, just for the sake of fun. Take a resolve for the next one week to be extra accommodating for everyone, and bend over backwards to help everyone you encounter. No matter how someone looks at you, talks to you, or treats you, do your best to provide them service with a smile, and say only good things to them."
Nalini said, "I am not very sure what I would gain by following your advice, but I will be happy to follow it, as you say it is just for fun."
From next day, Nalini started doing what Devina suggested. She kept her focus on providing help and service to patients and co-workers, without expecting anything in return. Very soon, people coming in contact with her began to be overwhelmed with her courtesy, service, encouragement, and appreciation. Nalini started noticing that an amazing transformation is taking place all around her. Suddenly, the patients didn't seem so miserable, the staff no longer looked so hostile, and management started to appear more considerate.
Nalini kept at it for the whole week, and when she discussed it with Devina again, she shared her pleasant experiences as well.
"I wonder what caused this change Devina, suddenly everything around me in the hospital seems to be much better than before.", She said.
Devina said, "You experienced first hand an important law of nature. We do not have to change the whole world out there, but we should work on our own attitude and behavior. Let us look inside and see if the situation that gives us frustration is a reflection of our own attitude."
Nalini dropped the idea of quitting her job as she had found the secret of being happy in her Job.