The Secret to Happiness
Once upon a time, a king was passing through the city on his ride. The king was looking at all the people around. Suddenly, he saw a man in the crowd, who was smiling and whose face beamed with happiness. The man was wearing old clothes and had nothing. The king passed by him on the road. He looked at him for a few moments and then went ahead, soon forgetting the scene.
After a few days, the king again passed through the same route. There he saw the same man again, and this time also the man was sleeping with his eyes closed with complete happiness and joy.
The next day, the king decided to pass through the same route, to see if they would find the man there again. That day too, the man was found in the same condition. The curious king went down the same path almost every day and every time he would find the man immersed in the same joy!
Within a few days, the king couldn't hold back any longer and so, one day he stopped by the man and asked him, "You are always smiling! Almost every day I see you here in this same condition. And it seems that you have no problem in life and you are very happy."
"Of course My Lord, I am very happy," the man said with a smile.
The king was surprised and asked again, "What is the reason for your happiness? Do you have immense wealth?"
"I don't have anything, my master! I might just collapse from hunger right now!"
"Do you have loving family and friends, a home filled with love, laughter, and happiness?" The king asked.
"I don't have that either. I move like the wind, sometimes here, sometimes there."
"So maybe you're in good health?"
"Not at all, My Lord, the cold of the night often causes pain in my bones and almost all my teeth have fallen out."
"Then how do you remain in such bliss? Please tell me. Maybe the secret of your bliss will make my life happy too because I have everything but still I am not happy."
"Dear King! Nature never gives anyone more trouble than his ability to endure, and these troubles always help a person progress. Adversity always brings a person closer to spirituality.
Whatever I am and whatever is happening to me, I accept it with gratitude and happiness.
Accepting every situation with patience brings a different level of awareness to me, and I try to understand - what is God trying to tell me through this situation. And what way to my progress open up? This state does not give me complete happiness, but a clear horizon opens before me, the haze dissipates and a state of liberating knowledge is attained."
Let us also pause for a moment, become aware, and realize in our lives, what exactly are our problems right now. What are the challenges before us at this time? And in what circumstances are we able to put ourselves at this point in time?
Close your eyes and understand what life is trying to tell us.. And in which direction should we move... Meditate and listen to your inner voice...
Our life will become like an open book for us...
"Learn to accept with love, rather than defeat. When we learn to accept and love, every aspect of our life begins to thrive. Acceptance is the signature of evolution. Our preparedness or attitude should be: Come what may, I am ready to face it."