Want To Know The Secret To Getting Ahead? It Is Getting Started!

Want To Know The Secret To Getting Ahead? It Is Getting Started!

Even the tiniest step that takes you forward is a victory.

One of the most common assumptions people make about success is that it's supposed to be big. It's supposed to be something that is bold, dramatic and substantial.

I think it really is sad when people believe this because they end up robbing themselves of the ability to achieve such victories. Why is this? 

Well, when you actually put in the work towards a goal, success usually doesn't come all at once. In fact your success is likely to be the result of all the incremental steps/actions you take along the way. 

In fact, those steps can often be so incremental that you can't even detect them. They're that small. It's therefore not unusual for people who find themselves in this situation to think that the progress that they're making is simply not worth it.

They say that they're giving up so much and putting in so much time, effort and energy only to have such inconsequential results. The more they think about this, the more discouraged they become. 

Eventually, it's only a matter of time until they lose hope. They end up quitting.

Of course the only way you're guaranteed to lose in anything in life is to quit.

And that's precisely the kind of situation you're setting up for yourself when you expect big victories just to happen. 

Try looking at this from a different perspective. Reduce your scale. Zero in on what you're doing at that precise point in your journey towards ultimate success. 

In other words, look at what you're actually achieving step by step, day by day, week by week etc. If what you're witnessing is slightly different from where you started, chalk it up to victory. Log it as a win.

It may not be as grand or dramatic as you had hoped, but it's still a step forward. 

The bottom line is this: every baby step forward you take is still a step forward. Where you are now as a result of that baby step is better than when you started.

Sure you may only be a couple of inches away from your starting point, but you're still further ahead in the journey. Given enough time, there will be more and more distance. Even if you are only making progress at the rate of a few inches everyday, you've still moved ahead from your starting point.

It's therefore only a matter of time until you see a large enough change from where you are now with where you started. 

So...don't rob yourself of the emotional urgency you need to keep pushing forward by expecting big things to happen in a hurry. 

To use a different analogy, the first time you swing that bat, don't expect a home run. Don't even expect a hit. Just keep swinging that bat. Perfect your form, develop your skills, have a consistent routine. Eventually, you will hit the ball, and you will get better and better. That's just how life usually works.

When you set up impossible expectations for yourself, you become a victim of your own expectations. For most of us, most of the time, victory is measured in inches. Take pleasure and encouragement from that.

Realise that just one baby step forward is something you can build on. Reflect on all the major life lessons you've learned and you'll soon realise that's the way life works. You can scale up these lessons. You can build on them. They're building blocks to greater and greater success. 

If your ultimate victory involves thousands of miles, you can bet that the hard lessons that you learn in the painful first few inches of that journey will teach you a thing or two about the rest of the skill sets you need to adopt. Things will get better and better.

Ultimately your success is going to rely on achieving momentum. But for that to happen you have to start. 

Don't rob yourself of victory by assuming that you are somehow entitled to amazing results the first time around. Be aware that sometimes you have to make several attempts for you to achieve substantial results. Be willing to pay that price. Be willing to do what it takes.

If you're ready to take a first baby step in getting your coaching or consulting business up and running online then click here to access some free training to help you get started.


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