The Secret Garden
Louise Hallam
Helping spiritual visionary leaders & creatives prioritise their health and happiness, creating an abundant life by design | Magic Weaver | Adjust the Sails | Future Fabric |
A special edition of the newsletter for a special invitation.
What did you enjoy doing as a child?
I loved reading, writing and drawing. I could happily get lost in a book for hours. The more fantasy, fairy tale, mystery the better. It helped me to feel calmer and escape for a while.
I wrote stories and made up plays. One of my fondest memories is of having a story I wrote read out in school assembly. I was so proud and remember feeling confident, if a bit embarrassed.
I lost a lot of that childhood confidence. Where I thought that everything was possible and that other people would be rooting for me when I went to secondary school. But that's a story for another day!
I wrote with the joy of knowing that other people would read it. Without judgement, without criticism. Somewhere along the way, we lose that innocent assumption and begin to fear what other people will think.
I have loved rediscovering the joy of writing. For myself, but for others too. And now I know that this gift has always been mine, but now it's mine to share.
I have been shown this through shedding limiting beliefs, experiences that knocked my confidence and an alignment with who I am and what I came to do.
The Secret Garden was one of my favourite children's books and still is. What's yours?
I have long resonated with the messages and magic in this book since I was a child. Being guided to reread it recently I was amazed at the beauty it holds. A story of mind over matter, the healing powers of nature, animals and Mother Earth.
The robin is still a sign to me of the wonder of possibility and that I am guided and supported.
The robin has appeared in my own garden over the last few weeks as a reminder that the time is now.
I was guided to create a membership to align the wants, needs and desires of you as a senior leader or changemaker as the modern medicine woman.
To equip you with the tools to manifest a new earth.
Ready to address the imbalance of stress vs success that has been created in the modern world.
Giving you the power to access your unique gifts and talents and harness the wisdom of your ancestors to show you how to use them and where you are needed to create a difference.
Launching in Autumn 2022 you will have exclusive access to content, intuitive guidance, community support and a space to let your inner child run free.
Including, but not limited to:
Masterclasses based on powerful channeled meditations for transformation, change and guidance.
Monthly intuitive guidance helping you make the world work for you, rather than tip you on your edge.
Expressions of Interest?now being taken.
Everyone that expresses an interest will receive a free Connecting to your Intuition and Higher Self Masterclass
You can join the free?Star Seekers?community now.
With my appreciation,