Secret of Dream By Pravin Agrawal
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Happy Diwali
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Secret of Dream
These are the sharing/ posts / quotes of Pravin Agrawal on Dream shared by him from time to time.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
This book has been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
It is the collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read this book again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
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When you wake up-
When you wake up!
In the morning!
To whom first you see?
First of all!
You use to ask yourself!
Where I am?
I am in Bangalore?
Or I am in Delhi?
Or I am in home?
Or I am in office?
You must have experienced!
This fact some times!
Hence after waking up in morning!
First of all you see your body!
Where were you?
Before waking up!
In the morning!
You were in sleep!
You were in dream!
Who was that?
Who was sleeping?
Who was dreaming?
Since your body was in bed!
Who went in many places?
During your dream!
Who was that?
He is still there!
Three Categories of Rich People-
Some one asked!
Beautiful question!
Who is rich?
There are!
Three categories of rich people!
First who have bank balance!
Of names of Almighty and virtues!
And no money or wealth!
They come in first class and richest!
Since they are not entangled!
They are not deceived by Maya!
Or Illusion of the world!
Hence they come in first category!
Second who have bank balance!
Of names of Almighty and virtues!
And some money or wealth!
They come in second class and richer!
Since they are entangled in Maya!
They are somewhat deceived by Maya!
Or Illusion of the world!
Hence they come in second category!
Third who have no bank balance!
Of names of Almighty and virtues!
They have only money and wealth!
They are actually poor in true sense!
Since they are fully entangled in Maya!
They are fully deceived by Maya!
Or Illusion of the world!
Hence they come in third category!
It is the ignorance!
You consider money!
As real wealth!
You can't take it after your death!
Only name of Almighty and virtues!
They are real wealth on this earth!
Since you can take them only!
After your death!
But those are really fortunate!
Who know this universe!
As dream or drama!
Since they are above all illusions!
How to deal?-
How to deal?
With criticism!
With our fault!
Without our fault!
How to deal?
With heart break!
With work stress!
With emotions!
With deadlines!
With time management!
There is one master key!
Of all your problems!
Assume yourself!
You are not the doer!
Assume others!
They are non-doer!
Be firm!
This universe does not exist!
Assume firmly!
Every thing is a dream!
Every thing is a drama!
Think that!
Almighty is taking your test!
Who is inside of others!
To make you stronger!
Take everything lightly!
Take everything as sport!
Though it is difficult to practice!
It will show your seriousness!
How much serious you are!
How much value you give to Him!
You may pass or fail!
Hence don't worry!
Since Krishna has told in Gita!
Result is not in your hands!
I am sleeping-
I am sleeping!
I am dreaming!
This universe!
You all in my dream!
Earlier also!
I was sleeping!
When I woke up!
I found universe missing!
Then I knew the reality!
Universe was in my dream!
When Krishna woke me!
From my dream!
Then I knew!
I was just dreaming!
This universe!
But I again slept!
And again!
I am dreaming!
This universe!
Even if you sleep again!
But with the knowledge!
This universe in my dream!
You are not sleeping!
Sand slipping by hand-
Sand slipping by hand!
You hold the sand very tightly!
But you are not able to hold!
You are holding it more tightly!
It is slipping more and more!
At last you will be tired!
And you will find yourself empty hand!
Same is the condition of the world!
You can not hold it!
It is slipping every moment from you!
But you are not able to hold it!
You don't see golden Lanka now!
You don't see golden Dwarka now!
How can you see your petti things?
After some time!
You will remain empty handed!
After some time!
Your everything will become a dream!
There is not even a slightest doubt!
Even then you don't understand!
Even then you don't tread on golden path!
Which can never be slipped from your hands!
And that is of divine love! Spiritual journey!
Your attempts for Mars can fail!
But you can never fail on this path!
If you don't want to be disappointed!
Tread on this golden path right now!
Every passing moment is becoming dream-
Your childhood has become dream!
Your school has become dream!
Your school friends have become dream!
Your childhood games have become dream!
Your toys have become dream!
Your teachers have become dream!
What more
Your childhood name has become dream!
Your childhood face has become dream!
Yesterday has become dream!
Every passing moment is becoming dream!
How to pass very difficult time-
When you have very difficult time. When you are likely to have depression.
Then following ways may help you to make you stronger:
1/ Know that Spiritual world or divine world is opposite to this world.
If you are having difficulty in this world, you will be having comfort in divine world. And you can
enter in this divine world only when you are alive, not after the death.
2/ Nothing is free. You get something by spending some thing. If you are having comfort, then
your bank account of virtues is reduced. If you are having difficulty, then you must be happy
since your sins are reduced.
3/ Know, this world is an Examination Hall. You have to pass the exam. Almighty is taking your
exam. And you have to pass this test. You must be happy that He has chosen you for this
exam. Since He takes the exam of only those whom He loves most. He considers you fit for the
4/ You must come out of your comfort zone if you want to be stronger.
5/ Remember that you had difficulty many times in the past and you had overcome it.
Today you don't even remember them. Hence this difficult time will also pass like old one.
6/ You forgot your difficult time, worries, beloved persons and things to whom you loved most
ten years back. Hence this difficult time also you will forget after ten years.
7/ Gold glitters only after heating. Rose gives fragrance only after living with the thorns. Hence
this difficult time is also for shining you so that you can give fragrance.
8/ You are brave. You are not coward. Hence you can not run away from difficulties.
Remember, you can run away from the body but not from your mind.
9/ Think this universe as movie. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a movie. Are you
effected by movie? See the movie and enjoy good and bad both.
10/ Think this universe as a dream. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a dream. Are
you effected by dream? See the dream and enjoy good and bad.
11/ In fact, there is no difficult time or easy time. There is nothing good or bad. Only your
mindset and attitude makes it such. Hence try to make your attitude accordingly.
12/ Thank God you are breathing. Thank Almighty you are alive. About one and half lakh people
who were alive yesterday, they could not see the dawn of today morning. And this happens
13/ Go to any hospital. See, how people are sad, how much sorrows they are having!
They are more unhappy than you! Their difficulties are much more than you!
14/ Even Gods had difficult times. Lord Rama had to go exile for 14 years along with his wife.
Life of Sri Krishna was full of difficulties right from His birth. He took birth in Jail. Lord Shiva had
to drink poison. No one can be greater without drinking the poison.
15/ If autumn comes, spring will also come certainly. If night brings the darkness, then day will
also bring brightness very certainly in your life. Day and night are cycle of nature. Joy and
sorrow are cycle of nature. Why do you worry?
16/ If you want to make use of your education, please share this with others to enhance peace
and happiness. You must consider yourself fortunate if you can remove the pain or sorrows of
even one person.
Your Divine Power will increase!-
If someone scolds you and you don't reply!
If someone hurts you!
If you obey rightful order of elders!
If you do Namaste to any one!
If you give regards to any one!
If you don't give comfort to your body!
If you give comfort to every creature!
If you care trees and plants!
If you consume less!
If you come out of your comfort zone!
If you speak truth!
If you resort to non-violence!
If you are selfless!
If you are dutiful!
If someone cheats you!
If someone takes any thing from you!
If you give any thing to anyone!
If someone misbehaves with you!
If you don't take food for some time!
If you don't take water for some time!
If you remain silent!
If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!
If you keep your good deeds secret!
If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!
If you respect all religions!
If you help all human and animals!
If you spread Spiritual knowledge!
If spread the virtues of religious books!
If you give example by your deeds!
If you are not greedy!
If you are not proud!
If you are humble!
If you have compassion!
If you have faith on Almighty!
If you have lesser desire!
If you have lesser attachment!
If you have lesser ego!
If you don't cheat anyone!
If you remain peaceful!
If you see a part of Almighty in every one!
If you see this world as dream!
If you see this world as movie!
If you see this world as a game!
If you follow the saying of Gods!
If you have patience!
If you remember Almighty!
If you love all!
You are seeing-
You are seeing movie!
Do you exist or movie?
Certainly you only exist!
And not the movie!
World is the movie!
You are seeing it!
Now tell me?
Do you exist?
Or the world?
You are seeing dream!
Do you exist or dream?
Certainly you only exist!
And not the dream!
World is the dream!
You are seeing it!
Now tell me!
Do you exist?
Or the world?
You don't know yourself!
That is the reason of confusion!
Once you know yourself!
You will know the truth!
Hence try to know yourself!
Your origin!
Your end!
Are you only flesh n bones?
My beloved Guru-
Wishing You Happy Guru Purnima, this one and all future Guru Purnima!
First of all my infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Lord Ganesh who is worshipped
first of all.
My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Goddess Saraswati who bestows the
intellect or Sadbuddhi.
Guru means Spiritual Master.
Though I love all Guru, all spiritual masters but some of them are mentioned in this slideshow.
By body Guru may be many but actually Guru is one and only one.
Guru is not a body. Guru is divine light which shows the path to ignorant people.
Gu means darkness. Ru means light. Who brings a person from darkness to the light is called
Guru is one and only one since He is Brahm, Paramatma who is only one though by seeing we
find many names and bodies of the Guru.
Lord Sri Krishna is my Guru! My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Lord Sri
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Maharaj is my Guru. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Sri
Sri Ravi Shankar Maharaj, Guru ji!
Sri Dada Bhagwan is my Guru. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Sri Dada
Sri Avatar Mehar Baba is my Guru. My infinite Pe, love and thanks to lotus feet of Sri Avatar
Mehar Baba!
Lord Rama is my Guru. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Lord Rama!
Lord Hanuman is my Guru. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Lord Hanuman!
Lord Shiva is my Guru. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Lord Shiva!
My mother is my first Guru who gave the birth to this mortal body which is like a boat and
without which I can not cross the deep ocen of this Samsara ie this mortal visible universe.
Sri Bal Yogeshwar, Prem Rawat, Maharaj ji is also my Guru since I could learn so many things
from him. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to Sri Maharaj ji.
Sri Avatar Singh ji Maharaj of Sant Nirankari Mission is also my Guru. I could learn many things
from Sant Nirankari Mission. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to all Guru, Spiritual Masters
of Sant Nirankari Mission.
I also got too much help for my Spiritual journey during initial years from Praja Pita Brahma
Kumaris, Mount Abu. My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to Shiv Baba ji and other Spiritual
Masters of Brahma Kumaris.
I got help from many Saints, Mahatmas of Sarveshwar Sri Raghunath temple Mount Abu. My
infinite Pranam, love and thanks to those Guru, saints, Mahatmas.
I got help from many Guru, Saints, Mahatmas of Parmarth Niketan Rishikesh from time to time.
My infinite Pranam, love and thanks to all of them specially to Mahamandaleshwar Swami
Asanga Nand ji Maharaj.
I could get help and guidance from Karshni Guru Swami Sri Sharananand ji Maharaj. My infinite
Pranam, love and thanks to his lotus feet.
I got valuable help, guidance of many Guru, Spiritual Masters directly and indirectly like Baba
Mukteshwar of Ganesh Puri Ashram, Sri Shiv Avdhoot Baba ji. My infinite Pranam, love and
thanks to them!
On the auspicious occasion of Sri Guru Purnima I want to covey my infinite Pranam, love and
thanks to all known, unknown Guru, Spiritual Masters, Saints, Mahatmas from whom I got help
directly or indirectly.
I also express my gratitude, Pranam, love and thanks to those Guru, Spiritual Masters, Saints,
Mahatmas from whom I couldn't get any help since all of them are integral part of one
Paramatma, one Brahm.
Every Guru, every God, every Spiritual Master, every Saint, every Mahatma of present, past and
future is a form of Lord Sri Krishna. Every one is Sri Krishna since every one is in His dream. My
infinite Pranam, love and thanks to lotus feet of Sri Krishna!
Krishna only is Allah-
Krishna only is Allah!
Krishna only is Nanak!
Krishna only is Jesus!
Since He is Almighty!
He can take any form!
He can take any shape!
He took birth before Allah!
He took birth before Nanak!
He took birth before Jesus!
He took birth before sun!
No one is different than Krishna!
Nothing is different than Krishna!
Since every one is in His dream!
Every thing is in His dream!
When you sleep!
You see the dream!
Is dream different!
Than you?
Your Divine Power will increase-
If someone scolds you and you don't reply!
If someone hurts you!
If you obey rightful order of elders!
If you do Namaste to any one!
If you give regards to any one!
If you don't give comfort to your body!
If you give comfort to every creature!
If you care trees and plants!
If you consume less!
If you come out of your comfort zone!
If you speak truth!
If you resort to non-violence!
If you are selfless!
If you are dutiful!
If someone cheats you!
If someone takes any thing from you!
If you give any thing to anyone!
If someone misbehaves with you!
If you don't take food for some time!
If you don't take water for some time!
If you remain silent!
If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!
If you keep your good deeds secret!
If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!
If you respect all religions!
If you help all human and animals!
If you spread Spiritual knowledge!
If spread the virtues of religious books!
If you give example by your deeds!
If you are not greedy!
If you are not proud!
If you are humble!
If you have compassion!
If you have faith on Almighty!
If you have lesser desire!
If you have lesser attachment!
If you have lesser ego!
If you don't cheat anyone!
If you remain peaceful!
If you see a part of Almighty in every one!
If you see this world as dream!
If you see this world as movie!
If you see this world as a game!
If you follow the saying of Gods!
If you have patience!
If you remember Almighty!
If you love all!
When the universe disappears-
When you win your body!
When you win your mind!
When you win your senses!
When you win your subtle mind!
When you win your intellect!
When you win your subtle intellect!
When you win your ego!
Then the universe disappears!
Then you know!
That universe is visible!
Only by senses!
It exists only relatively!
Else it does not exist!
If you win the senses!
Then only Atma is left!
Then only Paramatma is left!
Then you know!
This universe is a dream!
That is the reason!
Love to Almighty is required!
That is the reason!
Grace of Almighty is required!
Everyone is myself-
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
Then why should I feel bad!
If someone is abusing me!
Then why should I feel happy!
If someone praises me!
Since this universe!
In my dream!
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
She may be lady!
He may be gent!
Everyone is myself!
No one is different than me!
He may be Ishwar!
He may be Allah!
Everyone is myself!
No one different than me!
He may be Prime Minister!
He may be President!
Of any nation!
Every one is myself!
He may be alive!
He may be dead!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
It may be sun!
It may be moon!
It may be sky!
It may be earth!
It may be ocean!
It may be desert!
Every thing is myself!
Nothing is different than me!
It may be fire!
It may be water!
It may be air!
It may be soil!
Every thing is myself!
Nothing is different than me!
He may be any Guru!
He may be any Avatar!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
It may be my body!
It may be my family!
They may be my parents!
They may be my friends!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
He may be my lover!
She may be my lover!
It may be my audience!
They may be my followers!
Every one is myself!
No one is different than me!
Since every one in my dream!
When I am in dream!
All are in my dream!
Whatever in dream!
That is myself!
When I wake up!
No one exists except me!
I alone exist!
You were ignorant till now-
You were ignorant till now!
Know, this world does not exist!
Why you entangle in a thing!
Which does not exist!
Why you are wasting your time!
Yes, very precious time!
Which can never return!
Even if you spend crores of rupees!
Try to know yourself!
Why you want to remain ignorant!
You are making yourself fool!
Assuming other as yourself!
Think this world as drama!
Think this world as a dream!
Thus come out of this world!
Thus remain happy for always!
Why you want to become?-
Why you want to become?
Prime Minister
Chief Minister
Etc etc
One day!
Every thing
Will become
A dream!
You will think that
You were
Prime Minister
As if in dream!
Already so many things
Have become a dream!
Your childhood
Has become a dream!
Your childhood friends
Have become a dream!
Your grandparents!
Have become a dream!
Why you give so much
Importance to things!
Which are going to be
A dream?
I love all IITIANS!-
I love all IITIANS!
Since I am also IITIAN!
Many of them are junior to me!
But now they have become senior!
Some of them are senior to me!
But now they have become junior!
Some of them have created the history!
Some of them have become Minister!
Some of them have become Secretary!
Some of them have become CEO!
Some of them have become ED!
Some of them have become CMD!
Some of them have become great Scientist!
Some of them have become inventor!
Some of them have become world famous!
All are wonderful! Amazing!
But this world is itself Amazing!
It is visible! But doesn't exist!
All these achievements are great!
To know about others is not bad!
To know about Mars is great!
To reach up to Moon is great!
But all these are!
As if you have done in a dream!
As if you have done in a movie!
As if you have done in a drama!
First and foremost!
You must know yourself!
For which you have come here!
On this planet!
Else your all achievements are in vain!
Else your all knowing is in vain!
Try to find out your purpose here!
Try to find out your destination!
Spirituality, love and peace!-
For Spirituality, love and peace!
You will have to go beyond the religion!
You will have to go above the religion!
Since the religion is just A, B, C, D!
Then only you can get love!
Then only you can get peace!
Then only you can get joy!
Else, they will be just dream!
Everything is Spiritual!
Everything is spiritual.
Think everything as a dream or drama or movie.
Don't say it good or bad.
Go beyond good and bad.
Words of Wisdom: Life-
Life ends when you stop dreaming!
Hope ends when you stop believing!
Love ends when you stop caring!
Hence dream, hope and love!
Make life beautiful!
No need to live!-
After knowing Almighty, there is no need to live in this mortal world!
Since he has fulfilled his life purpose and the purpose of his thousands of births!
But the person who knows Almighty prefers to live in this world so that he can do the good of planet earth!
Though it is his choice to live or not to live!
Also it depends upon his old Sanskars or Prarabdh!
For him this world is just like imagination, dream, drama or a movie!
But he continues to be a part of this!
Divine voice from sky: When Everyone is myself!-
When everyone is myself!
Then your every thing is mine!
Your body is mine!
Your kingdom is mine!
Your entire property is mine!
Your all prizes are mine!
Your wealth is mine!
Your post is mine!
Your designation is mine!
Your progress is mine!
Your promotion is mine!
Your every thing is mine!
Yes, everything is mine!
And also nothing is mine!
Since you are in my dream!
Your every thing is in my dream!
When I wake up!
Nothing exists except me!
Words of Wisdom : Dream-
Everything became dream!
Drama of yesterday became dream!
You of yesterday became dream!
I of yesterday became dream!
Drama of today will also become dream!
Don't entangle in this dream!
Remain unaffected by this dream!
Everything became dream!
Everything became dream!
Your childhood became dream!
Your school teachers became dream!
Your school friends became dream!
Your childhood games became dream!
Your toys became dream!
Your young age became dream!
Your young age friends became dream!
Your relatives became dream!
Your father became dream!
Your school became dream!
Your job became dream!
Your yesterday became dream!
Similarly your today will also become dream!
World of your childhood became dream!
World of your young age became dream!
Similarly world of today will also become dream!
Hence think and decide -
This universe is a dream!
One who has attained Almighty!
One who has attained Almighty, for him nothing is impossible!
He could have attained the chair of Prime Minister!
But he preferred Almighty!
He could have become king of any nation!
But he preferred Almighty!
He could have attained any high post or designation!
But he preferred Almighty!
He always gives most preference to Almighty!
Than any other thing in the universe!
Since he possesses real wisdom!
That nothing is superior than Almighty!
Since he knows that every other thing is mortal which gives the pain of missing!
Except one Almighty who is immortal and can never be missed!
Since he knows that by attaining Almighty!
He becomes giver of these things!
He becomes Daata himself!
Almighty can make a king to beggar!
Almighty can make a beggar to king!
But real beggar is one who desires!
Any other thing than Almighty!
He knows that this world is a drama!
He knows that this world is a movie!
He knows that this universe is a dream!
He knows that this universe does not exist!
Grace of Almighty :
When I was boy my father used to tell me that I will be IAS. When I was engg student, I used to
ask campus interview team what are the promotion prospects, I shall reach to the rank of Lt Gen
or not?
I could not fulfill these dreams.
But now I feel more fortunate than both when I am in this spiritual journey as grace of Almighty
can not be compared with any post or designation of this universe.
Once you know yourself, you have achieved everything in this universe!
Playing the drama of life-
I am you!
You are me!
I am lover!
I am loved one!
I am everything!
I am nothing!
I am playing!
The drama of life!
When you sleep!
You become every thing!
In your dream!
But when you wake up!
You find nothing!
Every thing is in my dream!
And I alone exists!
I am myself!
I am my wife!
I am my children!
I am my parents!
I am my brothers!
I am my sisters!
I am my friends!
I am my relatives!
I am peon!
I am officer!
I am beggar!
I am king!
I am Prime Ministers!
I am Presidents!
I am nations!
I am the universe!
I am car driver!
I am car!
I am pilot!
I am aeroplane!
I am bus-passengers!
I am bus!
I am my friends!
I am my enemies!
I am my boss!
I am my colleagues!
I am my office!
I am my residence!
I am sun!
I am moon!
I am ocean!
I am forests!
I am deserts!
I am mountains!
I am sky!
I am fire!
I am water!
I am air!
I am soil!
Birthday is the day!
When you came on this earth!
With some specific purpose!
But you forgot this purpose!
When you were!
In the womb of your mother!
You were praying to Almighty!
To get rid of this jail of nine months!
You were praying!
O Lord! I am going to die!
In this prison full of darkness!
I promise that I shall fulfill
The very aim of this birth!
So that I will not come again again!
In this world full of sorrows!
But just after coming out!
You forgot your promise with Almighty!
You started to live as per your desire!
You forgot Almighty and His ways!
Birthday is the day!
To remind you of this birth!
With how much difficulty!
You came on this beautiful earth!
With certain purpose!
And you forgot this very purpose!
You are so special of Almighty!
You can never take birth!
You can never die!
But due to your ignorance!
You are trapped!
And you invite miseries!
Your age is thousands of years!
Your birthday is daily!
You have witnessed everything!
Since the beginning of this earth!
You are seeing this movie!
You are seeing this dream!
And you don't want to wake up!
Why people do not want to join Spirituality!-
They think that everything will have to be left.
This is their wrong conception.
People think that they are living comfortably. Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are living royal life.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are earning too much money.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think they are too much popular.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good designation and posts.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having beautiful family.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good education.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will have to leave everything.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will become poor.
Why to disturb themselves.
All these are wrong conceptions.
You are not required to leave anything.
You have to leave by mind not body.
Yes you are living comfortably.
But in dreams.
But in movies.
But in mirage.
You are not living actual life.
Since it is not true happy life.
Happy life is one.
After that you can never be in sorrows.
Happy life is the one.
Which is full of love.
Which is beyond birth and death.
Which is immortal.
Everything will become dream!
You are enjoying the function!-
And you are feeling high!
It will become a dream!
After few hours!
You are enjoying the company!
Of a super-star!
It will become a dream!
After few hours!
You are enjoying the company!
Of Prime Minister!
It will become a dream!
After few hours!
You will have to leave everything!-
Even the most dearest person!
Even the most dearest thing!
Even the most dearest post!
Even the most popular person!
Even the most powerful person!
Most powerful designation!
Your popularity!
Your most dearest body!
Everything will become a dream!
Except one Almighty!
Hence don't have jealousy!
For any one!
Quote of the Day-
Diwali gives the message to light a lamp.
But it should not be an earthen lamp.
It should be an eternal lamp which should always be burning.
To show the light of eternal knowledge to one and all.
So that your all the joys and sorrows must become a dream.
So that you may know what is real joy.
So that you may celebrate daily Diwali.
A real Happy Diwali...
By showing Divine Light to all...
May this festival of light Diwali shower your life with happiness and prosperity and all your dreams become true.
Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali. Thanks n Regards.
Pravin Agrawal
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