‘The Secret’ they didn’t tell us
Arun Harihar Rao
Business Coach | Senior Director Consultant - BNI | Regional Training Head - BNI | Sales Funnel Strategist | Chapter Director - Corporate Connect
Most people I meet these days seem to have either read the book or seen the video of the ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. Terms such as ‘The Law of attraction’ seem to roll of people’s tongue with great ease. Some people even remember the 3 steps to make your dream manifest, articulated in the book i.e. Ask, Believe, Receive. Even fewer remember the two powerful processes highlighted in the book, i.e. Gratitude and Visualization.
The basic principle for this book was drawn from a quote from the Bible: “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22). This principle has also been quoted in various other times and in various other forms:
Several other related concepts seem to have taken foothold in the form of Mind maps, big hairy audacious goals, etc. It is no wonder then that ‘The Secret’ went on to create tremendous wealth and made the dreams manifest…… but only of the author and the publishers of the book and video, not so much for the readers and the audience.
So what are we missing?
One cannot dispute the law of attraction. It is actually quite intuitive. However there are some key steps that have got missed in the hullabaloo around the law of attraction. The reason it caught peoples fancy was because it seemed so simple. Just to summarise the law of attraction, it talks about 3 essential steps
Unfortunately in real life there are several more things that successful people follow between steps 1 and 3
Achieving dreams also requires certain personal traits such as
Successful professionals from varied fields such as Sachin Tendulkar, Rodger Federer, Elon Musk, Satya Nadela, etc. recognize all of the above. Another thing that is common among all these professionals is that they work with professional coaches who help them stay on course to achieving their dreams.
Increasingly, professionals are seeing coaches not as somebody who knows more than they do. They recognize that coaches help them break the glass ceilings in their minds and partner with them in their journey to achieving their dream.
Most importantly, they recognize coaches as an essential “Investment into excellence”.