?????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ???? ????????????????????: A SECRET TO CLOSING MORE SALES AND GETTING MORE FROM LIFE
Faith Ezennaya
Chief Sales Officer at Prokip | Sales & Tech Consultant | B2B SaaS & Fintech Sales | Digital Marketing | Copywriting | Helping Businesses Drive Sales & Build High-Performing Sales Teams
I was contracted to work virtually as a sales closer with a company.
Their service is high ticket I.e 6-7 figure per payment
Basically what I do is to have an online meeting with the leads generated from the company advert, close sales with the leads and have 40% commission from each Sale closed and subsequent commission each time the clients renews payment for the service.
Once I close the sales, a staff of the company who will be in charge of managing and executing the project takes it up from there.
I.e Basically, my role is just to get the customers to pay for the high ticket service.
Recently I closed a sales with this particular prospect
after closing the sales, we connected on WhatsApp
I use WhatsApp business and I have links to my social media platforms and website there on my Whatsapp business profile page.
So, she was able to view my social media platforms via the links on my WhatsApp profile and she observed that I wasn't in Nigeria currently and asked about that.
I confirmed her findings but still made it known to her that the company is Located in Nigeria like I earlier told her, I just work with the company remotely
She exclaimed "Really? You act and talk like the owner of the company i.e all these while she felt she has been talking with the owner of the company.
I asked her why she thought so?
And she said that it's because of how I passionately and confidently explained to her in detail all that she needed to know.
I smiled when she said that and then went ahead to tell told her that as a sales closer, I have gotten such remarks many times from prospects and customers.
Many of them always feel they are talking with the business owner when interacting with me.
that's because I have long known that when it comes to closing sales When there are two important things you need: Knowledge of what you sell and Confidence.
Knowledge alone is not enough because If your prospects can't perceive the confidence you have in whatever product or service you are offering them, How then do you expect them also have confidence that they will be getting value for their money?
This is not only applicable in sales but in life generally
Because on a daily basis you find yourself trying to get people to buy into your ideas, vision, movement etc
And at such scenarios, Even if they don't quite understand the cause you are pursuing, but because of the confidence with which you pitched it, the people subconsciously trust to the fullest that you know what you're doing.
When you take action with confidence it has a way of setting you apart as the number one in what you do even If you are not the most knowledgeable.
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I remember watching the movie "Catch me If you Can" It's a movie based on the real-life story of a popular Con Man who had nothing but only confidence.
And with his confidence he was able to pose like an expert in different professions, this includes as a pilot, as a lawyer, as a doctor and as a school teacher,
And no one ever suspected him because the confidence with which he moved and talked in the different professions he was posing as will make you think that he is an expert with years of experience in it.
At some point, after the school where he posed as a lecturer for a long while discovered he is not certified he was asked how he was able to teach a subject he had no background in so perfectly that no one could ever tell.
He said that all he needed to do was read a chapter of the textbook ahead of the students and then come to class and teach it with all confidence and no one could tell he wasn't a certified teacher.
Now, knowledge is very Important, But executing that knowledge with confidence makes a whole lot of difference
Having Knowledge and acting in that confidence, makes people subconsciously label you the Top in your field or wherever you find yourself.
That's why this client thought I was the company owner because of how I confidently and passionately answered all her questions and gave her all the detailed explanations she needed.
O' ye man, you are inexcusable
Whether you are an entrepreneur, businessman, student etc
Don't wait till you know it all, because you Can never Know it all from a standpoint. You gain more clarity when in motion.
Stop letting your limitations stop you,
Why you strive to gain more knowledge, Step outside and start taking action in boldness and confidence.
Sell yourself unashamedly with confidence !!!
Pitch yourself unashamedly with confidence !!!
Make Noise about the Value you Carry unashamedly with confidence !!!
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Go out there and Step into the action with Boldness and make that win today
The world awaits you!
Click here to access a 10 minutes video summary clip of the movie I talked about "Catch me if your can" the movie is based on a real-life story
I shared the movie link for you to just observe that Lead actor confidence level and how he was able to use it and get into places he would never have had access to. I am not suggesting that you should go and become a conman to commit the crimes the lead actor committed ??.
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