The Secret
The Secret
My heart is full of laughter,
My lips are full of song;
I'm praising God, my Father,
The whole day long.
My life is full of sunshine,
My soul is full of light;
There is joy in simple living,
The world's so bright.
My days are full of gladness,
My nights are full of joy;
While living in His presence,
Trials don't annoy.
My work is only pleasure,
My burdens light to bear;
While walking with the Father
All days are fair.
I've felt the pangs of sorrow,
I've known the night of pain;
With nothing in tomorrow
To live was vain.
One night I met the Father,
That night I learned to live;
My joy is not in getting,
But in what I give.
Living Poems by E. W. Kenyon