Secret career advice no-one tells you

Secret career advice no-one tells you

Article written by the creator of the Ikigai Coaching Insititute: Paul Donkers

Let me share three of my most important career lessons.


1. It's not about the paycheck


Fresh out of university, I got a leased car. It simply came with my first job. I didn't ask for it. I vividly remember the day that the CEO’s Personal Assistant showed me my Mitsubishi Galant and handed me the keys in the parking lot that evening. She didn’t even try to hide that she was a bit jealous. And I understand: young man, mid-twenties, no track record, walks into the door and gets a brand new car. In a way it doesn’t make sense, does it? And while a nice car, a good salary and bonus can be tempting in the early days, you better watch out! Of course, this is not wrong in itself, but, if you really want to make progress in those first 10 – 15 years, you better prioritze choosing a great boss! If you can work closely with someone that inspires you, someone who role models for you, someone who gives you opportunities and protects you when you make your mistakes… that’s where real progress happens. Your direct boss has most impact. More than the brand or the paycheck when you start off!

Don’t let household brands or quick money fool you. Don’t focus on the money. Choose your boss. And choose wisely. This is your best investment.

2. Life is a marathon, not a sprint


Our professional careers are getting longer and longer. This is due to simple demographics and, on average, living healthier and longer. The classic pension systems and retire at 65 are less and less common. People move into portfolio careers. Professionals stay active into their 70s and beyond.


Keep this in mind: keep moving forward, slowly but surely. Make sure you train your "patience muscle".?Focus to create tangible results in every job before you accept the next challenge. Make a real difference! Do something for at least three to five years. These accomplishments are your building blocks, the real proof you can do it. Don't let the agenda of the company lead you too much. Balance with your self-interest and try to synchronize. Don't let your ego block yourself. Do what you need to do to be really ready for the next step. If you move forward to a bigger title of, say, senior vice president, but without the tangible performance, you are building your career on quicksand. Make sure you create a strong basis.

Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint!


3. Reputation is everything. It’s compound interest


Your reputation is the cumulative result of everything that you’ve done before. Make sure you know what your reputation is. Ask people for painful feedback. And ask for it regularly. Say thank you when people tell you what you need to hear. Stop. Think. And plan what you need to adjust. It’s very often about your behavior. The higher you get, the more important your leadership behavior becomes. Take good care of your reputation. At the end of the day, it’s everything you have got. The world is a connected village these days. If you get it right, your reputation starts to work for you after some time. If you don’t, many doors close. And it’s only very rarely that someone will really tell you why. Usually, it’s much more subtle. People don’t call back, you don’t get invited, you hear reasons that don’t make any sense, etc. etc. etc. Reputation is all about compound interest.

"We all need to deeply understand that the things we were doing in the old days, may not be the same as what we need to do to make us successful in the future. But instinctively, that's exacly what many of us do! We are sabotaging our own future with our old behavior!"

We all need help!

Never think you know everything, or that you don’t need help. Because you do! Not because you’re not good. But because it is the fastest way to take the next step. Doing everything on your own is an expensive mistake. I'm still coming across people that continue to try to do things on their own. And this is wrong! They keep getting the same mediocre results because they only repeat themselves.

Therefore, change your destination and learn to choose some trusted advisors. Of course you should not listen to everyone's advice. But knowing when and who to ask for help, will pay you huge dividends further down the road. I've learned that one thing is critical when choosing an advisor: they have to tell you the hard truth! No sugarcoacting. What we really need is tough love. Because this is the only way to understand what's really going on and start changing the future!

So, you need advisors, but only the right ones!

People that help you accelerate or get you out when you get stuck. It can help you navigate those make-or-break moments that all of us encounter during our professional lives.


We hope that you find this inspirational.

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