The secret to being a better problem solver. Bagels.

The secret to being a better problem solver. Bagels.

Boil down your problem to be more original in your thinking.

Our brains are wired to help us solve problems quickly.

From an evolutionary perspective, when you’re about to be attacked by a sabre-toothed tiger, you don’t want your brain to be mulling over which way you should go, you just need to…run!

But that’s not always the best solution.

In 1949 at Mann Gulch in Montana, a group of firefighters were parachuted in to fight a forest fire. They were led by the experienced Wagner Dodge. With the wind constantly changing direction, so was the fire.

When Dodge saw that the fire suddenly crossed a gulch about 200 yards ahead and started moving toward them, he yelled at the crew to run from the fire. They all began running up a steep hill towards a bare ridge of rock.

If they could get to the ridge they would all be safe. The trouble was the fire was moving at a speed of 660 feet per minute. With his experience, Dodge realized they wouldn’t be able to outrun the fire. He had to come up with a different solution.

He lit the ground in front of him and once a small patch had been burnt he laid down in it. He called to his team to do the same but they all thought he was crazy and carried on running for the ridge. The fire passed around Dodge, but as he had predicted due to its speed and ferocity it caught up with the other firefighters before they could reach the ridge.

So while for most of us, finding a creative solution to a problem isn’t a matter of life or death, this example shows that the obvious answer isn’t always the best solution.

To come up with more creative solutions to the problems you face, you need to be passionate and curious.

Passionate, because if you really want to find the best solution to a problem, you will keep striving to find it.

And curious so you will be able to create a wider range of associations in your mind that you can connect or relate to the problem.

So here’s a quick test to see how associative your brain is. Let’s say, for instance, you own some apple orchards and you want to sell your apples. So you need a logo. Now it’s got to be apple-related, so what do you associate with ‘apple’. Forget about all the recipes you can make with apples. What objects, images, stories or brands do you associate with an apple.

Before you carry on scrolling and see what I came up with, have a think for yourself and make your list of associations.

So have you made your list?

Scroll down

Scroll down

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  1. Rene Magritte painting — The Son of Man
  2. William Tell
  3. Adam and Eve
  4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
  5. Isaac Newton
  6. New York — The big apple
  7. Beatles logo
  8. Bobbing for apples
  9. Apple computers
  10. Apple for the teacher
  11. Snow White

So how did you get on?

I made this initial list for a talk I was going to give on creativity. But two of the associations in the picture I didn’t think of initially. Amazingly, on the first trawl through my brain banks I didn’t think of ‘Adam and Eve’. It’s such an iconic association with an apple but for whatever reason, I didn’t think it. The other one I added later was the Rene Magritte picture of the bowler-hatted man with an apple in front of his face. This is not as obvious and only came to me when my son was doing some homework on the surrealists. This could be a great logo as it is, or it could be subverted by substituting the bowler hat for a farmer’s cloth cap.

Being passionate about finding a solution to a problem is vital to keep the problem in your head. Your conscious mind wants nothing more than to have it ticked off and so it can move on to the next thing it has to do. But by keeping it on the back burner, you will jump at any new associations that you previously missed, as I did with Adam and Eve and the Magritte painting.

If you got all the apple associations I listed, that’s great. And by the way, if you’ve got any different ones, do list them in the comments section.

But if there are certain ones you didn’t think of, look at the picture again and try to think why you didn’t make the association with them.

Part of the problem is a cognitive bias that I call ‘tramlines’. Buses and trams both drive on the same roads, but trams can’t leave their tracks. To come up with solutions to problems quicker, our conscious mind forces us onto tramlines when we think about a problem. For example, If you were faced with a problem that is similar to the one you faced in the past, your mind will automatically be drawn to the solution you came up with in the past.

Now I’m sure by now you may be wondering where bagels fit in. Well, I want to use them as part of a thought experiment on you. Of course, you may get the solution straight away, which will just prove I’m a bit thick. But if you don’t, it should act as a good example of tramline thinking. And as with all tramline thinking, you’ll kick yourself because the solution is so obvious when you hear it.

So I had this little moment of bagel epiphany when I was putting my bagel in the toaster and was about to reseal the bag.

Now, if you’re not a bagel aficionado, they usually come sealed with either a white piece of sticky tape or clip like this.

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Neither are very good for resealing. The sticky tape is fiddly when trying to open and also starts to lose its stickiness. The clip is a bit fiddly to take off but is also very fiddly to put back on and it’s hard to get all the neck of the bag into it.

So how else can you keep the bagels fresh?

Rubber band? Can be too loose or if you double them up too tight and hard to take off.

Kitchen plastic clips? The twisted bagel bag is often too thick to get them to close properly.

How about just tying the end of the bag in a knot? It’s good because you don’t need anything else, but if you tie it too tight, it can be fiddly to open.

So what else could you do?

Any thoughts?

Have a think for a minute.

Scroll down.

Scroll down.

It’s all to do with the shape of the bagel. It’s got a hole in it. So all have to do is poke the neck of the bag and then poke it into the top bagel.

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It’s such an obvious solution, but I’d never thought of it before. And the reason for this is tramlines.

We have a problem: “This implement isn’t very good at sealing the packet, what else could we use to seal the packet?”

So we’re immediately thinking about implements to seal the pack, ruling out sealing it without an implement. We have a cognitive bias towards using an implement to solve the problem. Even when we move away from other implements and think of tying a knot in the bag it’s still about sealing the bag.

So how do we help ourselves to stop thinking along these tramlines when we are faced with a problem?

Well, the language you use is very important. If you say, “What’s the best way to seal this bag of bagels?” the word ‘seal’ immediately makes us start thinking about items that can be used to seal the bag. So that’s why, if you scroll back, you’ll see that I framed the question in it’s simplest form “What’s the best way of keeping the bagels fresh.”

Take this classic puzzle. It’s called the ‘9 Dot Puzzle’ and the challenge is to join all the dots using four straight lines. If you don’t know the answer spend a minute trying it.

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Give up yet?

The solution will seem obvious once you see it.

Here it is:

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It was popularized by management consultants in the 1970s and is reportedly where the phrase ‘think outside the box’ comes from.

There are a couple of cognitive biases going on here. Visually we see the dots making the shape of the square, so our minds push us towards finding the solution within the square. The other bias is the language used. I talked about ‘joining’ the dots, which naturally leads us towards making a line from one dot to another. If I used the word ‘connect’ or ‘link’, I think it would create the same issue. If I’d used a word like ‘dissect’ for instance, it would be a lot easier to solve.

So whether you’re trying to solve a problem yourself or setting a brief for someone else to solve, the language you use is very important. Try to boil the problem down to it’s most basic and try to use language that creates a minimal amount of bias.

With any problem or project, everyone wants to rush off and solve it. But time spent finding the best way to frame the problem will mean you or your team are much more likely to come up with interesting solutions.

Markus Smet

Head of Product at NInox // constructive leader

4 年

This is really interesting. I think there are two or even three really good points in this article. Keep em coming!



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