The Secret Behind Authentic Leadership
Brandon Bennett
Mindful Leadership & Body-Intelligence Coach | Holistic Wellness Trainer | Former NFL & MLB Executive
I believe we live in a completely new world.
One where authenticity reigns supreme.
For a decade while working in corporate, I remember feeling a constant sense of fear and inner pressure around my performance.
Even with being a top performer who surpassed goals and sales quotas, I always felt this sense of being on a treadmill.
I found it difficult to decipher between my own emotions and that of others (I was a sponge).
I would work my way until daily exhaustion, which would then graduate until burnout, as I didn’t know how to properly create some sense of balance within my life.
However, what I came to realize later was that I had a deep fear of being my authentic self.
Will I be accepted?
Will I be considered weak?
Will society approve?
I was so focused on the external; hiding behind a mask that hurt like hell (but was the only one at the time that I knew how to wear).
It wasn’t until I was forced to slow down (due to a breaking down of my personal health), that I began to ask different questions.
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What do I truly want?
From these questions, more space was given for something deeper and more meaningful to be birthed from within.
In this latest article I describe the secret behind authentic leadership, which highlights:
1. It’s #1 trait and why
2. Why it has nothing to do with a position title
3. Why it’s at the foundation of the world we live in today
You can access the blog (with video included) here: