The Secret Behind A?aí Berries
Each day, every cell in the human body must withstand an estimated 10,000 individual assaults from externally introduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals.The progressive, system-wide destruction wrought by this continuous biochemical onslaught has been thoroughly documented in the scientific literature. In the older cells of aging animals, to take one example, researchers have found that one out of every three proteins is rendered dysfunctional by unchecked free radical damage.In the search for optimal defense against free radicals, scientists have focused intensely on berry extracts. A growing body of scientific evidence shows that berry polyphenols’ antioxidant capacity powerfully targets numerous degenerative diseases, from cancer and atherosclerosis to impaired glucose control and blood lipid abnormalities.
Touted commercially for years as a "superfood," only recently has the arya berry gained compelling scientific validation as an antioxidant powerhouse. Among the most recent findings:
- After consuming a blend of polyphenols, the researchers recorded a three-fold increase in the antioxidant capacity of the human volunteers.
- Antioxidants found specifically in freeze-dried a?aí extract have been shown to enter human cells in a fully functional form and effectively neutralize free radicals at very low doses.
- Similarly, freeze-dried a?aí extract has demonstrated the ability of scavenging against two of the most damaging reactive oxygen species, the superoxide and peroxyl radicals.
In this article, you will learn how the antioxidant potency of a?aí and other foods is assessed, using a measure known as oxygen radical absorbance capacity, or ORAC. You will find out most recent research showing that the full polyphenolic profile of a?aí affords optimal antioxidant protection. You will gain insight c?ng Into the specific health benefits of A?aí and similarly potent fruits and vegetables-and chúng unrivaled power to combat free radical damage and the Killer Diseases of aging.
Assessing Antioxidant Potency
The standard index for determining the antioxidant value of various organic compounds is known as oxygen radical absorbance capacity, or ORAC. Developed by scientists at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts, the ORAC test is considered one of the most sensitive and reliable methods for measuring the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals. While other analytic methodologies may be used, ORAC is often considered preferable because of its biological relevance to antioxidant action in vivo (in living organisms). It measures both the degree and speed with which a certain food inhibits the action of an oxidizing agent, then integrates these two measurements into a single value, producing an accurate assessment of different types of antioxidants of different strengths.
The ORAC value of a given food is proportional to its polyphenol content. Fruits and vegetables with a higher ORAC value—or richer color—have been shown to suppress free radicals more effectively than lightly pigmented foods.Scientists at the US Department of Agriculture advise that we ingest foods equivalent to 3,000-5,000 ORAC units per day in order to maintain optimal antioxidant protection in bodily tissues and plasma —a number that may be too low.
A?aí berries
Black Currant
Red grapes
Broccoli flowers
Kiwi fruit
Red bell pepper
Grapefruit, pink
The numerical values above indicate ORAC units per 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces).
Unrivalled Free Radical Defense
The a?aí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.) is a species of palm tree indigenous to the area surrounding the Amazon in South America. Its berries resemble grapes and ripen seasonally in similar fashion, progressing from green to a deep purple color. They have long served as a critical nutritional source for the native peoples of Central and South America. Modern scientific analysis revealed that the a?aí berry’s complete polyphenolic profile boasts a formidable array of beneficial compounds, including polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (11.1% and 60.2%, respectively), along with 19 health-promoting amino acids.
Celebrated in traditional cultures for its life-sustaining power, the magnitude of a?aí’s antioxidant capability only recently emerged in scientific studies. A?aí powerfully counteracts several of the most destructive reactive oxygen species(ROS), or free radicals. In freeze-dried form, it has been shown to effectively inhibit the ROS superoxide in assays, and excels against the peroxyl radical in particular, with the highest reported total ORAC score of any fruit or vegetable. A?aí was also found to be active against the peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radicals in ORAC assays. It has also been identified recently as a potent COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor, which may give it the ability to provide relief from pain and inflammation.
A study designed to evaluate total free radical scavenging capacity among various antioxidant foods revealed that when compared to common European fruit and vegetable juices, all the a?aí samples studied ranked in the top class of peroxyl radical scavengers. The authors found the samples to be so high in antioxidant capacity that the numbers could only be estimated. Another study found that human plasma antioxidant activity is significantly increased after the consumption of a?aí pulp and juice, observing individual increases in plasma antioxidant activity of up to 2.3-3-fold, respectively.
Its potent antioxidant properties and highly beneficial polyphenolic profile endow a?aí with a singular ability to combat cellular aging and oxidative damage. The latest research reveals the potential for significant beneficial effects on longevity and incidence of chronic disease. A study on the life span and survival of Drosophila melanogaster flies found that dietary supplementation of 2% a?aí increased the life span of females fed a high-fat diet by approximately 20%, compared to controls fed a high-fat diet without a?aí.A?aí was noted to promote the activation of important stress-response pathways, alleviate the oxidative stress of aging, and protect against the negative effects of dietary fats.
- Every cell in the human body withstands an estimated 10,000 individual strikes by free radicals each day, a leading factor in aging and degenerative disease onset.
- Although promoted commercially for years as a nutritionally dense food, the deep purple a?aí berry has only recently gained compelling scientific validation.
- In a recent clinical study, a blend of complete a?aí polyphenols increased antioxidant capacity three-foldin the blood of healthy human volunteers.
- Antioxidants found specifically in freeze-dried a?aí extract have been shown to enter human cells in a fully functional form and effectively neutralize free radicals at very low doses.
- Freeze-dried a?aí extract is also extraordinarily effective against the most damaging reactive oxygen species, the superoxide and peroxyl radicals.
- Scientific research suggests that together with similarly pigmented foods rich in anthocyanins(blueberries, black currant, and raspberries), a?aí may serve as a frontline defense against multiple diseases of aging.
Evidence is also building for a?aí as a major cancer fighter. Polyphenolic mixtures of a?aí pulp and oil extracts inhibited the proliferation of human colon cancer cells in the lab by up to 90.7% and a study on human leukemia cells found a?aí polyphenols reduced cell proliferation from 56-86%. A?aí pulp was also found to be protective when administered to mice prior to the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin.
A?aí is also emerging as a major cardiovascular protector. In one study, a?aí extract induced long-lasting endothelium-dependent vasodilation (relaxing of the arterial wall) in the abdominal vascular tissue of rats.46Supplementation with a?aí berries has also been shown to reduce total and non-HDL cholesterol in animals with experimentally induced high cholesterol.
A?aí’s high antioxidant capacity also benefits brain function, with potential implications for the treatment of neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown that pre-treatment of brain tissue from the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus with a?aí decreased ROS-induced damage of lipids and proteins in all brain tissues tested.