The Secret of Ants
The creatures that surround us are present in various shapes and forms. They range from animals larger than our houses to those miniscule beings which cannot be seen through the naked eye. We often do not consider the miniscule creatures as important, however I will bring your attention to a small piece of cake dropped on the floor, which is surrounded by a group of tiny animals, ready to take the food to their homes.
Ants are industrious and tiny creatures, which live in societies that are complex and sophisticated. The intricate workings of these miniscule creatures have captivated researchers and nature enthusiasts. Let us explore the secret world of ants.
You may wonder, what is so special about these tiny creatures? To begin with, we may think ourselves to be stronger than ants. However, their numbers may shock you. For every one human being, there are 1 million ants! That is quite a large number. Not only that, but they are quite strong. Most ant species can carry upto 10 to 50 times of their body weight. The Asian weaver can lift upto 100 times its body mass. Here is a fun calculation for you.
The weight of an ant can be 1 to 5 mg. Let’s take it as 3 mg. Assume that it can lift 50 times of its body weight. So, one ant can lift 150 mg of weight.
The average body weight of a human is 60 kg. If we divide 60 kg by 150 mg, the number of ants theoretically required to lift a human is 4000. Depending on the species, the number would differ, but still would be in the range of several hundreds. This gives an estimate of ants’ strength.
Ants live in ant colonies. An ant colony, more like an ant city, is the place where ants live and perform designated roles under various divisions of labour. This colony can be seen as a superorganism, where the role of individual ants influences the survivability and success of the entire colony. These roles can be of workers, soldiers, and the queen. The queen is the nexus of the colony, who lays eggs. Worker ants are female ants which stay in the ant nest and perform tasks like tending to the young. Soldier ants fight off the predators that threaten the colony.
Every ant colony consists of intricate underground tunnels and chambers. It consists of multiple entrances and exits, creating a labyrinthine network, which serves purposes like protection from predators, regulation of temperature and humidity, and as nurseries for ant larvae.
To maintain highly functional colonies, ants need to communicate. Their method of communication is as sophisticated as their colonies. They primarily communicate through a system of chemical signals called pheromones. These signals help ants to navigate their environment, locate food sources and coordinate complex tasks. By releasing specific pheromones, ants convey information about danger, food availability, and guiding other ants to a new location.
Some species of ants engage in farming activities. An example of such ants are Leafcutter ants. These ants cut and carry fresh leaves to their nests, which is used as a substrate for the growth of specialized fungus. This fungal biomass is consumed by these ants as a source of nutrition.
To preserve their colonies and protect their fellow nestmates, ants use impressive defensive and offensive strategies, such as chemical weaponry and coordinated attacks. Inter-colony attacks are common; hence ants have learnt to defend their colonies through such methods.
Every complex form of social group needs a leader to thrive. In ant colonies, the queen is such leader. She is responsible for laying of eggs and maintaining the colony’s population. Her primary role is to ensure that the colony lives on. She has several worker ants attending to her fulfil her needs. For an overall success of a colony, the queen’s longevity and reproductive prowess are the essential factors.
Ants appear to be quite simple little creatures. However, their colonies and functioning display the complexity in their systems. From advanced communication methods to their architectural marvels and agricultural practices, ants continue to surprise humans with such aspects. The study of ants continues to be exciting, as there as mysteries awaiting to be revealed.