The Second Wife Episode Three
Israel Usulor
Avid Story Teller, Journalist, Media & Communication Expert, Human Interest Editor @
Ofor sat beside Nina at the hospital wondering if she was fine. Although, she had started talking after the doctor treated her, he was still worried that she may have lost the baby. If that happens, Ofor would be really sad. For many years, he has been looking for a child only for this to happen? He said a silent prayer in his heart for Nina and the unborn baby.
"God please, keep Nina and the baby. I have been looking for a child for a long time. I can not afford to lose the one you have given to me. This baby means a lot to me. Please Lord, do this for me. Let Nina live and let the baby live." Ofor prayed in his heart. He earnestly hoped that God would answer his prayers.
Just then, the doctor taking care of Nina entered the hospital ward. His face looked cheerful and Ofor hoped that the doctor had brought good news to him as regards Nina and the baby in her womb.
"Doctor, is everything alright with my wife and the baby? Please, tell me everything is fine. Is the baby okay? What about my wife? Is he okay?" Ofor asked. There was serious desperation in his voice as he wanted to know what fate befell Nina and the unborn child.
"You are lucky. The baby and the mother are fine. However, you nearly lost the two of them. They just escaped death by the whiskers. The mother hit her ribs on the chair and this upset her womb, making the position of the forming baby to shift a little. But everything will be fine if she rests for some days. What I will advise is that she must not do any work. She must be allowed to rest endlessly. Your wife must not enter the kitchen or go to market. She must avoid anything that would make her to stress herself. Also, make sure you give her good food that would make her strong and able to carry the baby for the remaining few months." The doctor said.
"I'm so happy right now. Doctor, I will do everything you have asked. I will obey everything you said. In fact, I will employ a house maid for her just to make sure she does not do any work in the house. I have been looking for a baby for a long time such that I will not allow this one to slip through my fingers. Thanks very much doctor." Offer said to the doctor with a heartwarming smile on his face. He was overwhelmed with joy after he heard the baby was still alive. After a few hours, Nina was discharged from the hospital and Ofor drove her home.
When they got home, Ofor made the decision to chase Lily away from the main building.
"You will start living at the boys quarters. I have prepared two rooms there for you. Everything you need will be provided for you at the boys quarters. From today, you are not allowed access into this house. Stay away from Nina. And let me just make this clear, Nina is no longer your house maid. She is now my wife and you must accord her all the respect deserving of a wife. You can't be sending her around anymore. Besides , the doctor said no one should stress her. She can never cook for you again. Were it not for God, I would have lost the baby I have been looking for. So, please go in there and pack your things and relocate to the boys quarters and never you enter this building again." Ofor tells Lily. His voice was very harsh.
"After all the years I have lived with you as your wife, this is how you want to treat me? After all we have gone through together as husband and wife, you just want to throw me away like a piece of trash? I helped you build this house. I helped you build your life. I was here when it all began. I was always here for you in good times and bad times. I gave you everything and all the support a wife should give to a husband. And now, you want to discard me like unwanted trash? All because of Nina the house maid? I was even the one who advised you to marry her. And now, she is taking my place? This is not fair." Lily said tearfully.
"Point of correction, Lily. You did not give me everything a wife should give to a husband. You failed to give me a baby. You failed woefully to bear children for me. For twelve years, I have lived with you and it is now clear that you are as barren as a desert. You are jealous because Nina got pregnant before you. That was why you wanted to kill her and the baby. But glory be to God that it did not happen. Now, I will protect Nina and the baby in her womb. I know that if the two of you share the same building, you will continue fighting. This is the reason you must leave." Ofor said.
"Why should I be the one to leave? Why should I leave my house for the house maid?" Lily asked tearfully.
"Because she is now the authentic wife. She is the one carrying my baby. You will have to leave the house for her. Please, start going." Ofor said with an air of finality. Nina packed her things and moved into the boys quarters as instructed by Ofor.
Ada was very sad that night. She could not sleep, so she came out to the balcony to receive fresh air to see if her temper would calm down. There was no light that evening, as NEPA has taken power. Everywhere was dark because the generator was not on. Lily was sitting mournfully with her palm wedging her chin. She saw someone walking into one of the rooms in the boys quarters. It was dark, so she didn't really know who the person was. Just then, NEPA brought light, and everything because clear. It was Nina and she was sneaking into her driver's room. The room belongs to Mathias, Nina's driver. The driver was employed for her immediately she became a wife in the house. She was the one who recommended the driver to Ofor. The driver and other domestic staff live in the compound.
"What is she going to do in her driver's room this night?" Lily asked asked.
"I will find out. Let it not be what I'm thinking." Lily said to herself.
Watch out for episode 4.