The second week of Japan Study Tour (5-9 Dec 2022)

The second week of Japan Study Tour (5-9 Dec 2022)

During the second week of the Japan Study Tour (5-9 Dec) funded by the New Colombo Plan, students from both Victoria University and Osaka Metropolitan University visited the production factory and Kotokurie (Mirai Kachi Kyoso Centre) of the Daiwa House near Nara, the Research & Development Department, the Tomorrow’s Life Museum and displayed houses of Sekisui House near Kyoto, Next 21 Experimental Housing of Osaka Gas Co. Ltd,, old houses in Osaka, the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living. Victoria University students also engaged with primary school students of Makitsukadai Elementary School in Osaka for cultural sharing.

#japansgtudytour?#victoriauniversity?#osakametropolitanuniversity?#newcolomboplan?#daiwahouse #sekisuihouse #next21experimentalhousing #osakamuseumofhousingandliving #makitsukadaielementaryschool

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Visit the production factory of the Daiwa House near Nara
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Visit the Research & Development Department, the Tomorrow’s Life Museum and displayed houses of Sekisui House near Kyoto
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Visit the Next 21 Experimental Housing of Osaka Gas Co. Ltd,
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Visit traditional old houses in Osaka
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Visit the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living
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Engagement with primary school students of Makitsukadai Elementary School in Osaka for cultural sharing


Dr Hing-Wah Chau (周慶華博士)的更多文章

