There Will be a Second Wave
I had an interesting "multi-hat" day to where early this morning, I busied myself with some much needed chores, which I worked at up until about a half hour before my open house was to begin. Within that half hour, I managed to get back to my office, change my clothes, stop at a convenience store for some apple juice, and make it to that unit's doorstep before it started.
While I was in that stop-n-shop, one of my old childhood playmates managed to button-hole me before I left, and his big beef today, was finding he had to find new friends, because those that he did have, had started taking financial advantage of him shortly after he proudly announced to the world that he'd never have to work another day in his life, because his mother left him a pile of dough.
Since he's one that likes center-stage, I stood there listening to his unfortunate stories of how they managed to get several thousand dollars out of him. After he finished, I said, "I hope you've learned a valuable lesson about so-called friends." He actually came back at me by saying, "I've learned my lesson, and the reason I'm telling you, is that you have to now learn that people will take advantage of you." I turned and said, "Nick, I've already learned those lessons, and know too well how some can be ever so clever about getting what they want from me for free." Unfortunately, he's always been one who's been too trusting, and hopefully, he'll not allow himself to fall back into the thick of such crowds. I'm pretty sure his mother set up a trust for him that's being administered by a third party, so if things start going south, I'm sure his trustee will step in.
I was exceptionally delighted to see all the many people in attendance at my public open house at 12 S. Willowgreen Court. Most of them I knew, but there were several new faces taking their time investigating its features. Each and every person that came thru, mentioned how beautiful its kitchen was, and certainly not expecting anything less, because there was a great deal of money spent on that custom build-out. It didn't surprise me when discovering it was already past the hour of closing, and still standing there with one of the lookers, but I didn't rush her, because if someone's that interested, I freely give all the extra time they need.
On my way back to the office, I called my seller to tell her all went well, along with returning several calls that had come in while I was hosting her "open". While driving from that townhouse to my office, I was shocked to find how much traffic there was on the highway, while hopefully thinking people aren't letting their guards down, in believing this China-virus is over, because there's no question in my mind, there'll be a second wave. And just today, I heard some scary news that there's an outbreak in Charles City, which as we all know, is less than a half hour's drive from our City. If there's one age group that's not being diligent about taking precautionary measures, it's our young crowd. But, as we all know, it's the generational mentality of our young who near-always have that "invincible" mindset until a personal crisis takes place.
With my real estate work finished for the day, I changed my clothes and went back to my outdoor duties which included getting the grassy area at the rear of my office trimmed and mowed. There were some other little parcels in need of attention, so I made sure to get those taken care of as well. I did stop over to my little private and protected garden plot, and to my delight, I found that five out of the 20 "specialty" tomato seeds I'd been gifted, had sprouted. I was so happy, I was near in a teary-eyed state of joy. I did pick out all the weed seedlings that were sprouting around them, gave them a good drink, and called it all good. You can bet this coming week, I'll be looking for more sprouts, and if there'd only be five more, I'll be tickled pink.
If they produce well this year, I'll be making my own tomato sauce out of those San Marzano tomatoes. I'd never heard of them until a dear client gifted me one packet of seeds, along with insisting they're the "Cadillac" of paste tomatoes. Since I'm a great lover of good tomato sauce, I can't wait to taste the difference. On the positive side of planting them the way I did, I'll not have to do any transplanting, which will give them all the more of an opportunity to grow quickly. After my forward pondering, I realized I'll be able to save-over all the many of their seeds for next year. Believe it or not, that packet he gave me, only had 20 seeds in it, yet he paid far more for those seeds than you'd ever consider. Oh well, if you want a "Cadillac", you have to pay for it. Right?
By the time I finished up with everything I'd planned, I headed back to my office, changed my clothes, and headed to a groceteria for a few items. Of course as nearly always, I ran into some people I knew who wanted to chat. It doesn't bother me much at all, but it seems they arrive on the scene when I'm either tuckered out, or in a hurry. Not to worry, I remained the perfect gentleman during our exchange of words.
I'm glad to see we're starting to get some rain, and hopefully it'll be an all-night soaker instead of cloudbursts. Someone mentioned yesterday that the long-term forecast calls for hot and dry, but I challenged that thought because we can never say how much moisture we'll be getting from week to week. I'm hoping she understood that if there's high humidity, there's a stronger chance of rain. At least that's usually the way it goes, but in these upside-down times, who knows?
I shall continue to hope and pray that our County's coronavirus numbers don't start climbing, because if they do, we'll be right back to where we started with our business closures. With that said, please remain diligent with your precautionary measures.
Tonight's one-liner is: Life expectancies would grow by leaps and bounds, if only green vegetables smelled as good as pan-fried bacon.
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