The second wave

The second wave

The entire worlds are trying to contain covid-19. Everyone must do what it takes to prevent the second wave from becoming a tidal wave.

It killed thousands, and infected millions. Everybody is waiting for it to decline and for the curve to dip down to safe level. We are not out of the wood yet.

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The novel coronavirus is “a unique virus with unique characteristics it is not the same as SARS, MERS or influenza.” and it will change, mutate and evolved to a new strain. Like in the movies but in this time it is not science fiction anymore, it is a science fact that our life is changed forever and our behavior must change with it.

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There are a number of factors that will determine if or when Canada sees a second wave of the same virus or the new more deadly virus let us called it covid -21.The government must act now to direct some researcher, public health and infection disease specialist along with pharmaceutical researcher and biochemical engineers to work extra hard to come up with a fast solution to stop any new strain possibility from the original covid -19. As this virus will calm down for a while and then it will come back with a vengeance, worse than die hard movie but in this time the villain will cause more havoc than now.

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The government must not repeat the mistake by not closing the borders early and must stop overseas people to enter Canada at the first few cases. They must stack the hospitals with ventilators and supplies that they need most to fight the second and third wave. Most likely the second wave will come back again around mid February 2021.

Government must find innovative ways to serve mass people, robotic uses in high infected areas, asking and working with other countries to restrict the sale and eating of wild animal ,endangered animal .

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Remember this dangerous virus that have been crossing from some wild animal then to human is going to adapt to his new host (human) and find a way to inflict the most damage at shortest time. Read about what I wrote about (BIRUS) in my early article here in LinkedIn .and in my blog at But for now this virus will continue throw the summer too but in lesser speed because we are using the most important weapon against it and that is the physical distancing, washing hands and avoid unhealthy behavior .It sound like what God wants to do is to love each other be kind yet to be aware of the devil in this case he is the virus. 

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What we must do after the curve will be flattened is what we will see in the future ,so we must continue to respect social distance , adhere to hygiene behavior in our daily lives, and if we listen and do what’s required the virus impact will be less. This will affect Canada worse than USA , as Canada have smaller population than USA does and we have less cases than USA .The second wave in the USA will be smaller , while in Canada will be way larger than now in 2020. This must be plotted by epidemiologists and medical statist ions.

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That why it is so important from all of us to have the pain now, work together, listen to the scientists and the infection control experts, practice physical distance e, wash our hand ritually, and avoid coughing, spiting, sneezing in empty spaces and stop flying to China the source of most of these viruses for a while I mean at least 2 years, the governments in China, USA, Italy Iran and Canada should focus on this issue from Now and don’t repeat the mistake.

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The second wave will be so strong it will even effect younger generation equal to the older generation. So after the curve is flattened we must not go back to our old hygiene behavior spitting in the street, not washing your hands for hours, letting your pets doing it in the street without picking after it, etc. The government must work from now prepare more test kits and prepare for the second wave. But for now physical distancing is the most effective strategy and weapon against the virus

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The physical distancing is really the key thing. It’s collective action that needs to be done, which can be done. Everybody needs to buy into it,” he said. If I was in charge of the public health office I will introduce a new measure and that is closed down and stay home Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 90 days after the curve is flattened .as this virus mostly die in 72 hours, depending on the surface and in this way we can have very few cases or win the fight against the second wave.

I know this will be hard thing to do as Muslims, Jewish and the Christians uses Friday, Saturday and Sunday to congregate and worship in masses. But things can be done in more innovative way for a while.

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We must flattened the curve now asap and then implemented very strict infection control rules in our traveling, immigration, trade, and anything else that deal with mass gathering .public hygiene stations must be done by all restaurants, shops, malls, hospitals, industries, airport, cities and downtowns, and it must be done quickly and everybody must be forced implement them in time so everybody get in our out from any place have to clean his/her hands by safe antiviral/antibacterial fluid. They also have to ask anybody with flu, common cold, coughing, sneezing to stay away from these places or cover with a mask, and take days off with pay if you have a doctor note to say so. Everyone must do what it takes to prevent the second wave from becoming a tidal wave.

Why I think 2021 is possible for the 2nd wave.

21 Mean in the Bible? In the Bible the 21 is a symbol of perfection and maturity. It symbolizes the divine wisdom: “mirror of eternal light. I wonder if this evil virus will reach a perfection to evolve into a super virus? As evil; live spelling back word. These choices that we are making every day are keeping us from living forward. They have us living backwards.

Quran 21; 1 = [The time of] their account has approached for the people, while they are in heedlessness turning away.

Bible ; Proverbs 21:1 In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water  that he channels toward all who please him.

Torah; 21; and these are the ordinances that you shall set before them

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Steve Ramsey, PhD-Public Health, Okotoks, Alberta -Canada.


Dr.Steve Ramsey, PhD MSc-(hon) in Med Ultrasound.RMSKS.的更多文章

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