Second stop on a long journey

Second stop on a long journey

News from Landbell Group

This week, Landbell Group published its latest sustainability report. This is the second year of preparing this report, which contains contributions from colleagues from across the business.

What’s in the report?

The report is a public disclosure of Landbell Group’s economic, social and environmental performance; it also addresses its governance structure and ethical principles.

Early chapters of the report provide information on the Group: its employees, services, supply chain and environmental footprint.

The heart of the report dives into its sustainability agenda, outlines Group-level sustainability strategies and celebrates its sustainability initiatives.

The report concludes with an outlook for the Group’s sustainability journey.

Why does it matter? Read more here!

Environmental compliance

On 17 September, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented her team of upcoming Commissioners.

Her second mandate is set to be defined by competitiveness, security and democracy, as already presented in her political guidelines.

The new distribution of portfolios is significantly interlinked.

Spain’s Teresa Ribera will oversee competition, state aid and green transition, while France’s Stéphane Sejourné will take charge of industry and competitiveness.

These and other strategic portfolios have been granted to pro-climate politicians, which could be von der Leyen’s attempt to ensure that the EU adheres to the Green Deal, despite the changing geopolitical and economic environment.

Among the newly proposed Commissioners, Jessika Roswall from Sweden is designated as the Commissioner for environment, water resilience and a competitive circular economy. If confirmed by Parliament, she will lead the work on the Circular Economy Act, together with Séjourné.

Check out more details in the full article, where you’ll also find updates on EPR for textiles in California.

Chemical compliance

On 17 September, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was elected for a second mandate (2024-2029), put forward a list of Commissioners-designate and determined their portfolios, reflecting the ambitions set out in her Political Guidelines.

The section ‘A more circular and resilient economy’ highlights the following:

Working to decarbonise our economy will be part of our continued shift to a more sustainable pattern of production and consumption, retaining the value of resources in our economy for longer.

This will be the purpose of a new Circular Economy Act, helping to create market demand for secondary materials and a single market for waste, notably in relation to critical raw materials.

We will put forward a new chemicals industry package, aiming to simplify REACH and provide clarity on “forever chemicals”, or PFAS.

?Find out more here. Check also news on:

?? PFAS: EU-wide restriction on subgroup of substances adopted

???ECHA: webinars on new legal requirements

For more articles on what's happening in the world of EPR and the circular economy, go to October’s issue of COMPASS.

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