Second New Years Resolution Follow up
Romir Jacob
Qualified Human Resources & Project Management Professional seeking an enriching position
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are having a happy a, positive and productive day. I also know you all saw the notification for this post as the moment someone posts something it comes to the top of the notifications. This is a second new years resolution follow up to see how everyone is doing with their resolutions .
Do not ignore this especially if you read what I published on December 31st 2015, 'New years Resolutions + 3 Tips for Successful Achievement of Resolutions " Here is the link
Using myself as an example I implemented three things I wanted to improve( Its personal so I will not disclose) , focused on improving in various opportunities presented , and reflected on improvements monthly, comparing myself to January 1st. I did this for my courses this semester as well as my workout routines . The end result of this was that I got straight As in all my courses this semester, and passed the pass/fail course. This goes to show that if you put in required effort, and follow through on your resolutions plus making improvements on the way that any improvement is possible .
For those of you who have not begun, its not too late . You might have to set a shorter goal keeping in mind that the year is passing by quickly . If you plan and implement your resolutions and achieve some results ,I will be proud of you. Putting in some effort will be better than putting in 0 effort.
Here is wishing you the best of luck in achieving your resolutions whether work /personal and do not give up , do not seek short cuts, be positive , and be productive.
Have a Nice Day