The Second Mother
Thomas Tam
Health Care Innovator for Patient Safety ? Building Health and Biotech Ecosystem in Pittsburgh ? Assembling Mister Roger's Neighborhood
Recently chatting with a HK local friend, she is of similar age of me and she is now visiting her ex-domestic helper in Indonesia.
It makes me ponder, we as HKers actually have a rich and deep personal connection with South East Asian countires people and economies! (despite I do not have any domestic helpers, I could still sympathise the emotional bonding with and be thankful for a 2nd mother who should have spent her precious once-in-a-lifetime period with her own child/children in their youth when mother is actually most needed ??)
And beyond this personal bonding, there is another level of relationship we could build, but we did not: to strength these personal bondings into city-level friendships.
Most of the Asia countries are still in their youth, HK can actually serves as a 2nd mother in terms of development raising children. Exactly like a domestic helper to many of us in HK.
(At this point I know some may begin to argue HK is not a good example or, worst, cannot behave in proper herself ... please read on before commenting and well.. perhaps I could write more in depth solely on HK too..)
I shall start a series of articles on Medium regarding HK's connections with Asia and what policies could be done, with nurturing friendships and interactions with ASEAN countires in mind as goal.
Wish me luck in this journey in Asia. And HK's journey in the age of Asia.