A second letter to “YOUR EXCELLENCY”
Mfontoh Blaise Abenwi Shu
Christian Entrepreneur | Ecosystem Builder | MWF Alumni | UNLEASH Sub-Saharan Africa Expert | Business Consultant
Welcome to the table sir. Now let’s talk school. Hold on let me set the ball rolling. A wise phrase goes thus. “SCHOOL, BUT DON’T LET YOUR SCHOOLING DISTORT YOU FROM YOUR EDUCATION”. Now, where do we fall as a nation? Are we schooling or are we educating these young ones.
You see we don’t have any manner of approach to the big mountains that lay ahead of us. In your 2013 annual speech, we clearly heard you make mention of the great problems faced by Cameroon as a nation which encompassed corruption and failing systems in general.
Those weren’t the problems Your Excellency. It was very far from those because 3 years now we still see identical problems taking quantum leaps in chopping off the nation you call land of promise. The problem simply was in building a nation of schooling youths and not educated youths. I’m neither a prophet nor a pessimist but the failure of vision 2035 is an undisputed fact without addressing this particular issue.
A nation with such an objective ought to know that growth and effective development is fostered by a solid educational system highly focused on practical and developmental tenets like science, technology, economics, mathematics(STEM), entrepreneurship, customer relationship and great vocational expertise.
How have this got to do with vision failure you may ask? Let’s get to facts. We have schooling youths who have passed through faculties of engineering and science all over this country and we can’t have results of a single fabricated radio set tagged made in Cameroon talk less of an old modeled TV set . Again we have schooling youths who have undergone studies in microbiology but having hard times even coming up with a toothpaste. Furthermore it is because of schooled minds that the Douala stock exchange market launched in 2001 and made its first trading on the 30th of June 2006 and 14 years after till date we see the exchange still struggling to fulfill its noble objective and many more your excellency.
True education is integrity that is why we find a lot of corrupt old and brainless men who have schooled their way up to where they are and set up measures to hold the nation bound due to the in-elasticity of their schooled reasoning capacity and ability to respond to a dynamic world.
Be it an Anglophone system of education or a francophone system, the resolution of the teachers union to form an education council is of utmost importance yet you dissolved and jailed them. Your ministers have dismantled a mountain build with bare hands by the technology inclined youths of the nation.
This mountain is no other but the silicon mountain. Before we get on, remember tech is the corner stone to build a nation to an emergence level as pin pointed by your vision.
Turn to the policies that have been implemented by your ministers so far. Please call one now and ask the difference between partial policy implementation and full policy implementation. Dump founded right? I guessed right. That’s the reason why our policies from finance to economy driving down to socio-cultural parameters have become mere trees without fruit, yet hand clapping goes on in the parliaments every day and allowances and cheques are being cashed at the mercy of people we call Cameroonians.
Why is all this a mishap to these youths. An average graduate spends 7 million on education yet unemployment rates keep rising. Recent years ordinances give foreigners full rights to hire and fire labor at will. I don’t have much of a problem with hire but firing just like that?. And we signed that deal neatly. Again what will happen if foreign banks take off their funds as external threats rise, in order to correct imbalances, having this huge stake in the Cameroon finance sector? I guess we will say then that the DSXwas asleep. And again, where is the conducive bedding plane for nationals operating businesses in a country of their own. I can’t say education made all these happen. You Excellency, You see the worst deal our colonial masters gave us was the education system you see today.
Schooled minds took it but some few educated minds like the teachers who recently were in an uproar, refuted to not letting schooling distort them from their education. I will advise you give it a thought and give them a chance. I’m moving to the side of education what about you?