Second Cigar Night Iraq

Second Cigar Night Iraq

What struck me about the announcement for this cigar night, where the women on the poster. Last cigar night political figures dominated the flyer. For now an other combination with cigars was made. Nice women figures with big cigars. I can imagine your urges Jody and Erik after four and a half months of deployment.

Actually I had a question of a corporal this week about his frequent private behavior. “Is this abnormal?”, He asked. For all I know, when we look around in nature we see it all the time. And that’s a personal opinion, I think there’s nothing to worry about. 

Yes for now, Lets talk about sex. These few months we have been depending on daydreaming, wet dreaming and nature documentaries. There is nothing wrong with that. But, for most of us, it isn't the real thing. 

Some of us feel a great desire when they think of home. Maybe you think of your spouse. Or maybe you think about all the new friends with benefits you’re going to encounter during your leave at home. All kinds of fantasies, but also a catharsis for all the emotions that took place over here. Being deprived from deep comfort, intense relief and secure pleasure. 

As I mentioned before. I recognize these urges. 

And, As a humanist chaplain I have something to say about that. Because we have to keep the home front up and running, also after you guys return home and give in to all your little fantasies. 

So be nice and gentle. Have a wine or a coffee together. A nice chat. A day of good fun. And foremost a long and cleansing shower. Take time to get in the mood. Because just like cigars, your spouses need some time to warm up.

For now back to the cigars!


CH (MAJ) Gijsbert van Eijsden M.Sc. M.A.的更多文章

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