The Second Chance
Welcome to the "World of My Thoughts", contrary to the above title I would want to confess this is my 276th attempt to actually write my first ever blog. It's not that I didn't make up mind earlier but to be honest I was too skeptic to start.
We humans are crazy ( it's not something new, I know), we keep telling scary stories to ourselves and guess what "we don't even consider to believe them" like few months ago I had a very serious interview to ace and fortunately it went smooth, now here comes the hard part because it was time to get results. I waited for almost 3-4 weeks in the hope that I would make it and it will be all fine but one part of me was telling me "bro, not happening" innocent me was telling me to not believe it but what else I could do I was in fear, anxiousness, desperate to know what is going to happen and one fine day I got the results, I could not make it. LOL :p what did you think ?
So, the point is in my mind I was making dozens of stories and in reality I was believing it but somewhere in back of mind I did not want it to just get real but eventually whatever has to happen it happened and I was like "I AM FINE" but I was not.
One Important thing I learned from this incidence was whatever is going to happen, it will happen no matter what, what you can do is to do your best and that's it. Because sometimes some things are not meant to happen and trust the universe it is for your own good.
Because every chance is a second chance and by the way this is not the first draft but the second one.