Seasons' Greetings: Keep safe, healthy & how to prepare for 2023, challenge self & others
As the end of the year approaches, it can be difficult to feel hopeful about the future. The challenges we face – from the Ukraine war and energy crisis to climate change, political unrest to corruptions (even in EU & sports) – all these can seem insurmountable. But it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our own future and create positive change, and FIX The World one thing at a time.
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and comfortable. As we navigate these uncertain times, it's important to take a moment to reflect and consider what we can do to make a positive impact.
That's why I challenge you to take the 'Good Test': think about a concrete action you can take individually or as a group to do something good in your community (on top of donating). Maybe it's as simple as hosting in 2023 a "Good Pub Quiz" and using the time to discuss and discern what is a good initiative and what is a not so good one. Let's strive to make a positive difference in our world.
Dreaming Dec 2022:
Another way to do this is by coming together and supporting one another, regardless of our political beliefs. By fostering a sense of community and connection, we can work together to address the challenges we face and create a brighter future. (without the us and them approach).
Here are some concrete steps we can take to build a movement for positive change:
Challenge ourselves and each other to take action, no matter how small by setting goals for the upcoming new year. Every person has the power to make a difference and by working together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.
Don't try to do it all on your own. Reach out to others and work together to create solutions. Collaboration is key to creating lasting positive change. If you are owner of firms or multiple firms, donate 10% of staff's time and challenge them to discern what's good, and create something to fix that, Dean of school, same for you!
Seek out the best resources and tools to help us achieve our goals. This might include books, websites, podcasts, or other resources that can help us learn and grow.
Dreaming further in 2023 (just bought this domain, 4Good.Space)
One initiative that is striving to create positive change is, a not-for-profit place (next Gen Good web?) where people from around the world can come together to collaborate and curate the best resources for creating general good. But first, we need to decide on what "general good" means to us, together (do ping me directly if you want to make this happen, anyone can help me to setup this new #FixTheWorld discord server?).
This will involve bringing together diverse perspectives and engaging in open, honest dialogue about our values and priorities.
By coming together and working towards a common goal, we can create a brighter future for all. So let's challenge ourselves and each other to take action, and let's work together to build a movement for positive change.
In summary:
While enjoying quality time with your loved ones, let's push aside all the conflicts, selfish desires, and strive for personal greatness and put them in the back of our minds. Let's instead focus on enjoying the present moment with our families and friends.
PS: my challenge to publishers, editors & media owners:
It was an honour to meet Adi Ignatius of the Harvard Business Review at the 100th anniversary meeting in London. I challenged him then, and I pass on the challenge all publishers & media owners, editors of major publications: Please pass on this challenge to their authors and readers. As I explained in my blog post in 2017 (proposed #ChangeTheWorld -> #FixTheWorld that challenged FT), in addition to your excellent analysis of world events, business strategy, and current events, let's include one sentence/paragaragh in your articles and suggest a solution that your readers can take to address the issues raised in such articles. Yes concrete actions ontop of your analysis of how bad it is! It may be a small task, but it has the potential to create greater good for everyone.
He graciously accepted the challenge, anyone else? cc Adam Grant Adi Ignatius Roger Lynch Cameron Saunders Diane Brady Blake Chandlee Kathleen Kingsbury Richard Kingsbury Emma Tucker Richard Fletcher Carol Lewis Gideon Lichfield Roula Khalaf
Question: What do you think? thoughts/suggestions or you think we are all fine and dandy?