Kate Bazilevsky
Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—CHS
Alas, the time to decide whether you wish to continue living on old artificial programs or whether to return to your “factory settings” is definitely running out. In the era of global changes, the question of what “software” to live on is no longer a question of self-knowledge and self-perfection, but a question of physical survival.
The new world no longer needs a “herd” because its efficiency and productivity are very low; therefore, quantity gets replaced by quality. The new era requires new people: those, who unfold their natural human potential. This news is already being spread all over, at every corner, directly or indirectly.
However, it is impossible to open up, “unzip” or “unpack” this potential without knowledge that only the Catalog of Human Population provides. Hence, such monstrous consequences of this world “cleansing,” with risks of moving on to an even more terrifying stage in the nearest future. No one is scaring you; you already know this.
So, if you really want you and your loved ones to survive in this deadly vortex of viruses, 5G, vaccines and other “games” with your genetics and life itself — we are extending a helping hand to you once again.
Only knowledge of your natural genetic code given from birth in the form of a natural program will save you from introduction of artificial codes, which a priori can lead only to lethal outcomes. Attitude of an ostrich will not save anyone anymore because the moment called “Beware, the doors are closing!” already arrived.
Whether to accept or reject our help is up to you. Kindergarten with wiping of noses and butts, the time of exhortations and persuasions is over. Everywhere. It is impossible to save someone who does not want to be saved, and integration and cooperation of “grains” and “chaff” is as senseless as trying to mix water with oil. Now every person is for himself. The era of segmental creatures that survive only in a flock is over. The era of autonomous individuals, who have enough knowledge about themselves and other people in order to communicate at a qualitatively new level has come. And, you probably noticed this.
We hope to connect with all of you in the forthcoming Age of Aquarius. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Seasonal discounts on information from the Catalog of Human Population are available at . Also, we remind you that HelpMates by Birthright personal and business dating service is available at
Happy Holidays!
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