Seasons greetings from the Global Partnership ?
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Better data. Better decisions. Better lives.
Welcome to our December newsletter! ?? This month, we're looking back on a year of data-driven progress.
We’re proud to have worked with partners this year on initiatives using better data (that is inclusive, timely, and well governed) to improve people’s lives around the world. Our new blog shares some of the key moments and highlights from 2024, and what we're excited for in 2025.
Plus you'll find all the latest news and opportunities from the #Data4SDGs network.
Let's dive into this month's issue ??
News in the network
?? Read our blog with Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE Colombia on how collaboration unlocks data innovation for the SDGs.
?? Municipalidad de Luján de Cuyo is a new Inclusive Data Charter Champion! Read their #IDCData4all action plan.
?? Read the latest issue of the SDGs Digest from Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) , including an article by Claire Melamed on investing in national data systems.
?? This report from the World Food Programme (WFP) highlights WFP's value proposition and key solutions to hunger.
?? In the latest #DataValues Digest, Jeremiah Mutemwa explores how participation is creating better data in Zambia.
Data must-reads
?? Annita Mwagiru & Joshua Omena introduce the second cohort of the Capacity Accelerator Network (CAN) Data Science Fellows.
?? Claire Melamed looks at how a more coherent global approach to data and technology could drive progress on UK government priorities.
??? victor Ohuruogu, PhD & Ruby Richardson explore how our new webinar series is empowering NSOs & public institutions across Africa with new tools & skills for data-driven policymaking.
??? How Beni Nzimba Makumbu, a CAN Data Science Fellow from our first cohort, is using new insights & data to tackle land degradation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
?? A new paper in Nature Sustainability by Dilek Fraisl , Linda See , Steffen Fritz , Mordechai Haklay (Muki), and Ian McCallum discusses how to leverage the collaborative power of AI and citizen science for sustainable development.
#DevJobs and opportunities
?? Specialist Database/GIS Expert, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
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