Seasonal Surge for Wine Searches
Mobile web usage reaches record numbers for people searching for wine, beer and spirits on their device. Wine-Searcher price-comparison search engine has reached unprecedented heights in the volume of searches in the lead-up to Christmas. The specialised website for the Christmas tipple registered a new record for pre-Christmas traffic on Thursday December 23. The numbers of searches via mobile devices broke through the million-hit barrier, maxing at 1,101,762 searches and the demand shows no sign of slowing.
That represents a year-on-year increase of more than 20 percent on 2015, popping the cork for another successful year at the world’s most powerful wine website.
Founder, Martin Brown said "A good search experience on mobile is important as people want to find and compare prices accurately and easily near where they are."
Wine-Searcher is dedicated to finding and pricing wine. Thanks to some seriously smart tech, Wine-Searcher brings the worlds' wines together in one fast, accurate search tool.
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