Seasonal And Perennial Crops in India

Seasonal And Perennial Crops in India

Seasonal And Perennial Crops in India

Crops are planted and grown on the farms or fields by the farmers. Agriculture is the primary source that produces food grain for humans and also raw materials for the industries.

The main cropping seasons in India are:

  1. Kharif
  2. Rabi and
  3. Zaid

The important crops which are included in the Kharif season are as follows:

  • Bajara
  • Jawar
  • Maize (Corn)
  • Millet
  • Rice (paddy and deepwater rice)
  • Soybean

The season of cropping starts in the month of June and ends in October which is generally cultivated in the monsoon crops and harvested during the Kharif season.

Some important crops that production took in the Rabi season are as follows:

  • Barley
  • Gram
  • Mustard
  • Oat
  • Wheat
  • Bajara

The seasons sowing starts in Mid-November and is harvested in the month of April or May is called Rabi season.

Some important crops of the Zaid season are:

  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Bitter Gourd

The crop production takes place in March and June, sowing and harvesting both are done in summer, Hence the Zaid season is also known as the summer season.

The main difference between annual and perennial plants is that the annual plants live for one growing season, their lifespan is shorter than the perennial crops, whereas perennial plants live for two or more growing seasons.

Annual or perennial plants are two types of plants with different lifespans. Annual or seasonal crops complete their life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single growing season. Hence, the seed bridges the gap between the two generations. The top or upper part of some perennial plants die in the winter and regrow in the spring, to the same root system. Few perennial plants keep their leaves throughout the whole year.

What are Annual or seasonal Crops:

The lifespan of an annual or seasonal crop is one-year, these plants complete their life cycle from germination to the production of seed in one year, and then their life ends there. The main purpose of the seasonal plant is to produce seeds and ensure the propagation of future generations.?

Therefore, maximum seasonal plants produce colorful and showy flowers to attract insects for pollination. Corn, wheat, rice, beans, peas, lettuce, watermelon, cucumbers, basil, cilantro, etc. are some examples of seasonal plants. Zinnias, sunflowers, cosmos, petunias, marigolds, and bachelor’s buttons are some annual plants that are included and used in horticulture.

What are Perennial Crops:

Perennial crops have a life of more than two years, their lifespan from germination to harvesting is only one year. Generally, trees and shrubs are perennial, and they retain or recover their foliage throughout the year. Perennials include flowering plants whose top portion dies during fall.?

The dormant root structures of the plants remain as they are. In the spring leaves and stalks grow, and these plants initiate a new growth cycle. Apple, banana, grape, strawberry, plump, and pineapple are some examples of perennial fruits. Perennial herbs are Lavender, mint, rosemary, garlic, ginger, etc.? The flowering perennial crops examples are Coneflowers, dahlia, Veronica, blanket flowers, and clematis. The crop which plants just once and enjoys the harvest for years to come. They are grown in many home gardens, particularly in cities and towns.

Some main difference points between Annual plants or Seasonal crops and Perennial plants are:

Annual plants or Season Crop:

  • The plants have one year of the life cycle are seasonal crops
  • These plants live for or grow for one season.
  • A seasonal plant's life cycle ends after one year the whole plant dies annually
  • In these plants, the growth of flowers and seeds happened rapidly
  • The seeds of annual plants have a reproductive structure
  • These plants bloom long all season
  • They have bright colors and showy flowers, hence the insect get attracted to them for pollination.

Perennial plants:

  • The plants whose life cycle is more than two years are known as perennial crops.
  • These plants regrow every spring, they retain their leaves, fruits, and flowers after every cutting.
  • These plants only top portion’s part life ends mean dies annually
  • These plants can survive or live in the harsh conditions
  • The seeds and bulbils of these plants have the reproductive structure
  • They bloom in the spring or summer of the second year
  • They have less attractive and less showy flowers.



