Season Tickets = Absolute Necessity
There has been controversy brewing that the season ticket package is a broken system, no longer a viable option, and that fans would rather come to a select amount of games and sit in the best seats available. That may be true for some, but our sales team at Victory Field has been on a tear of new season seats for the past two years. Although we have a very talented sales staff that deserves credit, it is undeniable that C-Level executives are finding value in conducting business at the ball park.
The biggest objection that I've heard over the last few years is that there are too many games. I get that. In minor league baseball we have 71 games. For one person to come to all 71 games is a tall order. However, that many games presents a tremendous opportunity that I believe make the NEED to have a must.
Seventy-one games provides seventy-one opportunities to utilize the atmosphere at the ball park. There are many ways that season tickets can be utilized - the list is almost limitless. There are three distinct ways in which my clients take advantage of season tickets.
Face time with a client or prospect
Building trust is the best way to forge a relationship and also to cement one. When is the last time you were able to spend up to 3 hours in a relaxed, fun environment with your top client or prospect? One-on-one time is virtually non-existent in today's society unless you have an office meeting or take your client or prospect to lunch/dinner.
The sights and sounds at a ball park provide a back drop that a restaurant or stuffy office simply can not compete with. Have you ever been able to discuss business in a relaxed atmosphere while eating a hot dog and enjoying your beverage of choice? The atmosphere at the ball park allows your guests to let their guard down and talk more candidly than they would otherwise.
Give to client or prospect
It's difficult to always go to the game with your client or prospect, you also have a life to live and as I mentioned 71 games is a lot. Why not give your tickets to your best clients or prospects and provide the opportunity for them to make memories from your seats? Sometimes they enjoy this even better than the going with you as it allows them to enjoy time with their own family. When their significant other, son, or daughter brags about getting a picture with the mascot, or getting on the jumbotron - who do you think they think about? YOU. The person and company that provided the tickets to make that memory possible!
When my top clients pass out their tickets, they also like to provide their clients/prospects something while they are at the ball park. How is this possible you ask? It's easy. They utilize Tribe Tokens (ball park cash) that their guests can redeem for food, beverage, or merchandise while at the ball park. That's where their ticket guy or gal comes in. For example: Mr. Smith calls in and says, "Hey Garrett, I have a really important customer coming tonight, can you drop off X amount of Tribe Tokens for them?" When their customer arrives and is in their seats, I then go down and introduce myself and let them know that Mr. Smith wanted them to enjoy their experience and has provided the ball park cash.
One of my favorite things to do is wait at the top of the concourse as they open the envelope and see what's inside. Every single time, they immediately jump out of their seats and run to the concourse to see what they can get. My clients have received extremely great feedback from providing the ball park cash. Once again, a memory is created and they think of YOU!
Spreading the Love - Employees
Another great use of your season ticket package is giving them to your employees. They are the life-blood of your organization, they go the extra mile to boost the bottom line. They are the ones stressed about work and not getting to spend as much quality time with their family as they would like. Providing your seats to them allows them to take their families/friends and create memories. If your employee is celebrating a birthday or anniversary let your ticket guy or gal know so they can get it on the jumbotron. When they look at the picture they took of their name on the jumbotron guess who they credit with making that once-in-a-lifetime memory a reality? YOU!
I know, it comes back to 71 games. That's a lot of games. But, consider this scenario. Lets say you would like to do something special for 30 of your clients, 20 of your prospects, and 20 of your employees. That covers your seats for 70 games. It also leaves one game for the most enjoyable date night that you've had with your significant other in quite sometime.
You'll probably realize that 71 games isn't nearly enough games after all!