The Season For Givers - Introduction

The Season For Givers - Introduction


This 3-part blog series on giving is the perfect topic to commemorate the holiday season that is quickly approaching! The giving we’ll be discussing is probably not the idea of giving that first popped into your mind, such as giving presents or sharing a holiday meal. This is about giving in the workplace, more specifically, how to create a work culture where givers can succeed.?

According to studies referenced in Adam Grant’s TedTalk (1), there are three types of people that comprise an organization; givers, takers, and matchers. Givers value more what they can do for others than what they can get from them, while takers are the opposite. Most of us are matchers, which fall in between these two extremes and are the “I’ll do something for you, if you do something for me” type. Most would assume that the givers are the most effective and productive for employees to live by, but research has surprised us. Dozens of organizations were studied, and the people labeled as givers were found to be the worst performers in each job. But, they are also on the other extreme and results show they are the best performers of each job studied as well. The studies also showed that giver behavior in organizations increases the profits, company satisfaction, employee retention, and lowers the operating expenses. What is the cause of this paradox? It’s a two-fold answer. Givers often sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their organizations, and work culture is often not ideal for helping givers optimize their talent and success. Adam Grant shared three steps that can revolutionize the workplace and promote an environment where givers thrive. So, stay tuned for our 3-part series to learn more about these three steps, and how Catching Leadership can help you personalize and incorporate them in your organization!

Reference List

  1. Grant, Adam. “Are You a Giver or a Taker?” Adam Grant: Are You a Giver or a Taker? | TED Talk, Jan. 2017,


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