SEASON 9, Chapter 2, "The Classified Adventures of Owl"?: in which the Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. Meet a  Dragon of The Empress on the Silk Road
Framed Art Work of Chinese Paper-cut Art: Jian Zhi, Chinese Folk Art, Owl 14 x 18 (Wood Frame)

SEASON 9, Chapter 2, "The Classified Adventures of Owl": in which the Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. Meet a Dragon of The Empress on the Silk Road

Cast of Characters:

NZ Morepork Owl (ruru) Ninox novaeseelandiae (Gmelin, 1788) 

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Owl: 你好 ( ni hao / n? h?o ), Gidday, Hello and Good Day to youse. I'm coming to you via OTT Comms (Owl Twitter Transmission) from the Silk Road.

I've got my Raiders with me. Sadly, a bunch of losers - many are untested owlets (junior recruits of O.W.L.) subverted by me and promised promotion by Brown Owl if we succeed in my latest O.W.O.L. (Owl Without Limits) mission.

Brown Owl of O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited) is currently engaged in diplomacy with The Empress, a cunning ploy to distract her from her plan to lease the NZ Bush back to O.W.L.

But I'm not so em-pressed. I know this dragon-lady from way back.

I have a plan, well, the makings of a plan, well, OK, I don't have a plan. But I have my Raiders and my secret weapon - me! And the Taniwha will provide mystical invisible cover if we happen upon a dragon. 

Some of my Raiders are a bit past it, but they're old friends like The Owlettes and Penguino.

The Owlettes (OWLUS INTERRUPTUS): We're listening in, you, you klutzy-feathered flucker!.

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Image: The taniwha āraiteuru, on a New Zealand Post stamp

Owl (continuing imperviously): Others like Scarlett Pimpernowl and my Special Ops 'weapon of mass disruption', the Taniwha, are seasoned covert Owlperatives and are highly reliable and fearsome.

I know, I'm a very bad Owl. But what can you do? I will train up their lateral supernovial and supersonial abilities so they can be fierce predators in the NZ Bush - if they survive the dragons of The Empress loose in the World Wide Wood (www.)

Speaking of which......

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Art Print: Chinese Dragon Red by Cat Coquillette : 32x24in

Owl (to self): I will pretend to be alone while The Taniwha provides cover and hides my Raiders.

你好 ( ni hao / n? h?o), my fierce Pretty One with the Red Scales (they like flattery!).

Dragon: Hoo goes there?

Owl: 'Tis me, Owl, O Firebird. I'm a bit lost. Can you give me directions to the Silk Road? I wish to do an advantageous deal with your mistress. What is your name, O Gracious Sentry?

Dragon (preening): I am called 最美麗的龍 Zuì měilì de lóng (the Most Beauteous Dragon) of the Middle Kingdom because I win the Great Fire-breathing Competition every year.

Owl (smoozily): And what a fine figure of a dragon you are too! Take me to your mistress The Empress!!

Dragon (preening more and complying immediately): I will take you to her palace, but she's busy with a bird called Brown Owl in the NZ Bush at the moment and engaged in some delicate diplomacy at the highest branch of the Eastern Wood. You can wait there, you Owl creature.

Owl: How charming and accommodating of you, Zuì měilì de lóng.

Owl to the Raiders (whispering): Stay under cover and follow!

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La Grande Pagode de l'oie sauvage a Chang-an (actualle Xi'an), construite en 652 et réparée par l'impératrice Wu Zetian en 704

Palace of The Empress

Owl and his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. go to the Reception desk

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Statue de Xuanzang, située à l'intérieur de la Grande pagode

Guard: 你好 ( ni hao / n? h?o) May I help you?

Owl: 你好 ( ni hao / n? h?o) Greetings from the NZ Bush. I am His Excellency Owl of O.W.L. My mistress Brown Owl is enjoying a diplomatic dance with your gracious mistress today. See to it that I have large and luxurious rooms. I am an emissary sent to wait for her return by her illustrious dragon 最美麗的龍 Zuì měilì de lóng.

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Reception: At once, Your Excellency! (calls to staff for a buggy for Owl)

Chariots in Ancient Chinese Warfare

The chariot was used in Chinese warfare from around 1250 BCE but enjoyed its heyday between the 8th and 5th century BCE when various states were constantly battling for control of China.


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View of Pit 1, the largest excavation pit of the Terracotta Army

Owl to Raiders: We're in! Nice digs!

To work!!! But first a call to Reception for a Qipao Lady!

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?Grace Chang (born June 13, 1933), aka Gě Lán (葛蘭)

Suddenly, as Owl turns around, he sees Song Cixi, his old adversary the Keeper of the Garden of Delights of The Empress, sitting in the shadows

?Song Cixi (pron. Shong Shee Shee): You called, Owl?

Next Time: Owl and his Raiders of the Lost O.W.L. deal with Song Cixi and have a dig around the palace of The Empress to find something compromising.

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穿旗袍的女人 (

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant, founder of Sky Canopy Consulting, a writer, a geopolitical satirist, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland.

She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, hypnosis, reading, history, walking around lakes, living by the sea, carnivals, carousels, circuses, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

#theclassifiedadventuresofowl #greatowlcompetition #strategicnarrative #theempress #wuzetian #qipaolady #terracottaarmy #narrativeinfluence #yarns #magicalrealism #worldwidewood #allegories #metaphors #espionage #intelligencecommunity #geopolitics #internationalrelations #foreignaffairs #brownowl #nzbush #military #strategicnarrative #narratives #bedtimestories4adults #influence #suntzu #humint #fubars #snafus #owngoals #strigidaeowls #fowlplay #weaponisednarrative #weaponizednarrative #narrativewarfare #smallpowerindependence#greatpowercompetition #owls #moreporkowls #newzealand 

Mariangela Canzi

Independent Translator and book Editor - Traduttore Freelance

3 年

Gripping more than ever!


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