SEASON 5 Premiere of "The Classified Adventures of Owl"? - in which a Space Rubbish Bag from the Heavenly Palace of The Empress threatens the Wood.
Pixabay: rocket contrail

SEASON 5 Premiere of "The Classified Adventures of Owl" - in which a Space Rubbish Bag from the Heavenly Palace of The Empress threatens the Wood.

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morepork owl (ruru or boobook)

Story so far.........Owl of O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited) has returned to the NZ Bush astride Heavy Falcon, his booty from The Million Acre Wood, a reward for defeating The Marschellin and The Empress and winning The Great Game of Perches.

But what comes next? Will our louche hero Owl attend corrective mental training once more and lead a quieter life? [Ed. Nah!] Will he develop 'blue sky' thinking? Or will he hide in the NZ Bush and avoid trouble? Will he reunite with the (present) love of his life, Belle Epoque?

And what of Owl's new faux-coalition #2Wit2Woo within the World Wide Wood with The Marschellin and The Empress ? Will it become a real threat to the Parish Council the Governing Body of the Wood? And will the opera-hooting Frau "Mutti" Prinzessin (aka The Marschellin), reconcile with her distinguished ex El Grande Manchegot in crescendo?

Another round of The Great Game of Perches begins............

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Owl: Hola, mes amis and fellow travellers! Gather round and buckle up for a new adventure!

BUT WAIT! Owlus Interruptus! There's a loud Hooter sounding a Red Alert in the Hundred Acre Wood aka The NZ Bush. Owl hears an urgent summons to see Brown Owl on his Owl-o-meter and reluctantly falls off his shady hammock where he's been wiling away the hours with Belle Epoque, his newest, latest and soon-to-be-forgotten Lady Owl of the Night (affectionately called 'Loon' or Light of the Moon by a tender Owl).

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?Owl: Darling Loony-Tunes, I must take my leave, my Sweet Dopey One.

(Aside to self: I do love pretty and pretty dumb little Owls (athene noctua) after those statuesque Owlettes. She adores me, admires my mind and always 'likes' me on Twitter. But they're mean to me and they're always twittering #metoo. No idea what that means but I'm going to look into it. They've told me to take their advice and follow all the other Owls doing it or else they'll tell Brown Owl. Very woo-woo and confusing. But that's the only thing that really terrifies me and they've saved my Owl ar*se on so many occasions and know all my goofing-off secrets so...........Listen up! there's a World Wide Wood (www) Emergency! My Owl-o-meter is beeping me.

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Hallo? Hallo? Wassup? WTF! The Empress has let her Space Rubbish Bag fall from her Tianhou Heavenly Palace towards our part of the Wood! She's a traitor to #2Wit2Woo! That was quick. I should've known better than to form a faux-coalition with the dragon lady. Now I'm stuck with The Marschellin to foil her satardly, bastardly, (chokes on a nut and splutters), I mean dastardly plot. We will need help! The Owlettes for their brains and savvy and probably H.H. El Principe Gabriel Garcia Raimundo de Grande Manchegot, El Marquez de Corsair (buho noctambulo) for his calm de-mean-our, encyclopedic knowledge and 'politeness' to fools. I must see Brown Owl for instructions immediately.

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Cut to the Treehouse of Brown Owl.

Brown Owl (sighing): Oh, it's you, Owl. I'm disappointed in you. Too slow and came from your love-nest hammock again no doubt, you lazy excuse for a covert operative. It's no secret around here that you're a loser, a two-faced twirler on the Branch hoo goes AWOL (Owl Without Limits)! But you're a true patriot to the Wood, you've had the odd successful mission (mainly due to your minders The Owlettes) and, well, you're the best we've got right now until the owlets are grown. Here are your instructions on a piece of leaf. Eat it after you've read it. Go away!

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Owl: Mmmmm, let's see here. If I read this right I am to shoot myself...... no this can't be right. "shoot myself on top of the Heavy Falcon out to the Space Rubbish Bag of The Empress". It goes on, "Owl, do not come not come back UNTIL you've taken it out. I can't read Brown Owl's writing......I THINK it says, "Don't return before crashing into the Space Rubbish Bag. Survive if you must."

Well, I must say, that's not very nice of her. I have no idea what she's on about.

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To Minions: O.W.L.s R Go! Reactivate the Heavy Falcon! We need to pick up The Owlettes from The Marschellin's new palace in the Black Forest and see what's up with her ex "Ray" Manchegot. How do we persuade him to join a mission that she's part of?

Space X FH-Falcon Heavy

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Cut to the Black Forest where (again) H.H. Prinzessin ('Mutti') The Marschellin, is eating cake and enjoying the view of her Handmaidens The Owlettes taking turns to twirl, twerk and DJ. She spots Little Rocketman Owl's Heavy Falcon landing on her front lawn.

The Marschallin: Halt, dich bl?de Eule! Was zum Teufel!

Owl: Never fear, mein Prinzessin. I'll ask The Owlettes to re-lay your lawn.

The Owlettes (perking up their ear tufts) Oh no, no no no you don't, du bist beschmutz, ein Putz und ein Shyster!

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Owl: What's with all the Deutsch, my former Dj's and Scooby-Doo-Waa Ladies?

The Owlettes: Lass dich Ficken, Eule-Bratworst! Whaddaya want? You're a corrupting influence and we work for Mutti now.

The Big Hoot Auckland

Owl: Well, there's a giant piece of crap about to rain down on the Wood. It could land on you and Mutti or it could land on The Hundred Acre Wood somewhere. I have a plan to shoot myself in the foot, no....shoot myself ad astra to rendezvous with rubbish.

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Nah, I mean, shoot down the giant Space Rubbish Bag of The Empress from her Heavenly Palace using the Heavy Falcon, my booty from C & C of The Million Acre Wood when I won The Great Game of Perches. I flew it home to the NZ Bush.

Heavenly Palace of The Empress

Help me pretty please with a Riesiger Sahnetorte?

The Owlettes: Got it. So what do you want from us, Mr. Schmoozefest?

The Marschellin: Not so fast before you fly, My Pretties. What's in this for me besides reducing the risk of being smacked down by a giant rubbish bag from space?

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Owl: I had in mind sending you as an emissary for 2Wit2Woo to see your ex El Grande Manchegot. I hear he's been sulking in his cave. Perhaps you can make him an offer he can't refuse? Take out the garbage bag. Tell him Owl of O.W.L. requires his presence pronto.

George Rochegrosse's poster for Jules Massenet's opera Don Quixote.

The Marschellin (to self dreamily in sentimental mood): Ach meine lange verlorene Liebe. Perhaps this is my chance to 2Wit2Woo him back to me?

The Marschellin to Owl: OK, mein Spin Doktor. I'm persuaded. I go now to display my fine feathers before him and ask him to connect with you on Twitter for instructions.

Owl: Sei schnell dabei! Auf wiedersehen, meine Prinzessin.

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Cut to the Heavy Falcon launch pad on the back lawn of The Marschellin where Owl has found a nice branch and has lain down to rest his creative juices. The Owlettes nudge him off and nestle beside him to snooze and wait for the return of The Marschellin and her frenemy ex El Grande.

Owl: Bitte schon, meine Owlettes. Vielen dank auch dir.

Next week: The Marschellin has some trouble convincing her ex El Grande Manchegot to help. She has to use her wiles which she hates to do. Owl makes another plan with The Owlettes or rather they tell him what to do and he does it! And will he go *intergalactic?

Photos: by Pixabay and Wikipedia Commons

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Pamela is an Auckland writer and a 2nd year Masters Student (in Conflict and Terrorism Studies). She is writing a dissertation on stories in Information Warfare and is a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, carnivals, carousels, circuses, bals masque, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination.

Pamela Williamson????????????

Narrative Strategist??Geopolitical Analyst??Narrative Intelligence ?? Influence & Resilience Expert?? Knowledge Synthesiser?? Geopolitical Satire??Narrative Magic (Owl of O.W.L.)??Lawyer (Ret.)??CEO Sky Canopy Consulting

6 年

Thanks for sharing Nancy.

Dr. Sujoy H Dutta

Confidential Confidential

6 年

Its a shame LI doesn't allow more than one Like per reader (there's a thought though....)....


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