Season 2 is OUT NOW with the premier of Walk N Talk Original Music Video!
Blended Sense President Albert Baez

Season 2 is OUT NOW with the premier of Walk N Talk Original Music Video!

Yes, you heard right! Walk n Talk Season 2 Music Video Premiere is LIVE!?

At Blended Sense, Creativity and Fun is not just a value we share as a company - but truly in the heart of its founders.?

President Albert Baez grew up with a love of music.?Specifically, as a ‘kid from Wash Heights’ NYC’, hip hop was a huge part of the culture and self-expression. It was in this genre Albert took a stab at his own creativity only to discover a love for writing lyrics, producing music, and the power of audio.?

Fast forward a few years *decades*.

Albert is president of Blended Sense, a media-tech company that uses content marketing as a tool to communicate to its community and audience. Having a platform and resources readily available, it was a no-brainer that Albert needed to make a web series to flex his creative energy once again.

Walk n' Talk combines the idea of ‘walking and talking’ to display how connected movement and creativity are along with guests who share their expertise in business and entrepreneurship.?

What was the next logical step after booking the show? Create an original soundtrack and music video to accompany it!?

“Life is short make the most of it get up and go.

Walk n talk with the pros imma get up and go.

Students of the game will learn what they know.

Not concerned for the fame I'm just here for the gold.”

OUT NOW: WALK N TALK Season 2 Premiere Music Video CLICK HERE to watch and enjoy!


