Searching for Success: Learning from Others and Enjoying the Journey | Dear Tony
Tony Thelen
I alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain so you can lead a successful career and fulfilling life
Dear Tony,
What is the key to success?
-Searching for Success
Dear Searching,
What a loaded question!!? I’ll take the bait however and offer my thoughts.??
The first key that often unlocks success in this world is the ability to learn from other people.?Some people do this by listening to their parents, grandparents, or elders who are more experienced than they are.? Some do it by reading books, listening to podcasts, going to conferences, reading newsletters, staying current by following smart people on social media, and other such ways.? Some people go to school to learn from professors and other students.? The key to all of this is using someone else’s experience to accelerate your own mastery of a topic or skill.? This can be applied to your professional life as well as your personal life.?
The second key that leads to success is to enjoy your journey along the way.? No matter what station of life you are in at the moment, find joy, smile, engage, and enjoy “the pursuit” of happiness.? Have the capacity to find meaning in relationships with others throughout your daily interactions, find joy in the gentle pleasures of the day.? Be optimistic, have an abundant mindset, and live with fervor and zest.? If you do this it will be contagious and others will enjoy being around you, and you around them.? The journey will be much more fulfilling, and your life will have purpose.?
Together these two aspects constitute great “keys” to success.? First, learn from others, and second, enjoy the journey.? Add to this hard work, persistence, innovative thinking, entrepreneurialism, and many other aspects of life, and you will no doubt lead a successful career and a fulfilling life.
I help organizations transform by enabling people to be their best selves and deliver products effectively. I am constantly learning.
2 周Way to take a broad question and bring the focus down to two actionable aspects, learning and enjoying the journey. I completely agree with these two keys. For those who want to dig deeper into this question by learning from others, I suggest 'The Choice,' by Goldratt.