SearchAI - use AI to transform your search suggestions.
Timo Selvaraj
Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer @ SearchBlox | Solving Problems using Search and AI
We’re all so familiar with the search box. It lives on our phones, on websites and pretty much everywhere. When we’re looking for, let's say, a product, we take out our phones and start searching for it. A few letters in, the search starts giving you suggestions as to what you might be looking for and more often than not you would select one of those suggestions and move forward.
This entire activity is so mundane that we don’t even realize how these search suggestions form one of the most crucial aspects of the whole search experience.
Suggestions, or auto-suggest as its often referred to, uses the partial search terms that a user is typing in to complete the rest of the search query so the user can simply select the search query from a dropdown box in the search form. Lots of search engines don’t consider some crucial elements while providing suggestions - the context of the information being searched, relevance ranking for suggestions, and so on.
This is where SearchAI SmartSuggest comes in.
SearchAI SmartSuggest is built to provide suggestions for search queries because it understands the context and how they’re related to the actual content on your website. This is achieved using several cutting edge machine learning algorithms that comb through all the data on your website, determine the most relevant ones, prepare suggestions, rank them and then work in real time to determine which suggestion should be provided when the user starts typing.
SearchAI SmartSuggest is built for people who are looking to make their lives simpler. That’s why there’s nothing to install or maintain. To integrate, all you have to do is paste a snippet of code into your existing search solution and that’s pretty much all you need to do to start getting smart suggestions in your search box.
On top of all this, SearchAI SmartSuggest comes with spell corrections and support for multiple languages so that your users do not have to struggle with putting in the correct spelling for complicated terms. Suggestions are provided even with incorrect user entries.
So what are you waiting for? Supercharge your search box with SearchAI SmartSuggest.
Give us a call at (866) 933-3626 or fill this form and we’ll set you up with AI-based smart suggestions.