Being known as the popcorn man, the fun food guru, or just plan out of the box thinker, I am finding it tougher and tougher in this great economy and country to find a job,. Granted I have not worked for anyone in years or is it my sense of humor in my writing people may not get. I am not blaming anything one thing or even age since I still look good and get up without grunting or groaning. That is a plus when you dont have to look for a can of oil like the tin man in the morning to get our joints moving.
I have began to lose heart in the fact I have put out almost 445 resumes in an economy that is looking for workers and only have received call backs from warranty car repair companies looking to a new client or scam callers asking me what I am wearing. Truth is I believe that most employers look at a man like me and think he would never work for that salary.Maybe the hiring manager thinks I could take over his or her job. Maybe I still look like I am 40 and people think I am on steroids. Sorry the last part was for the job I wanted as a minor league pitcher and I only thru 45 mile an hour fastball when I went looking for the oil can.
Seriously folks why not look at a person with experience? DO you actually think we want your job? Most people who worked for themselves over the years are just looking to work and earn a paycheck and be appreciated for there work ethic. Most people who over 45 have done things that the younger bosses havent done or even seen yet. Why not hire a bench coach that can whisper in your ear when they see an iceberg of bad business approaching. Ok very Titanic, but you get the metaphor.
How about taking a look at my resume you can find on here or just message me and I will send it over. People who owned their own businesses still bring to the table that work ethic of knowing if something has to be done, it gets done. Not afraid to empty a trash pale and leads by example and shows the rest to follow through that action.
They are those people you can lean on when it get tough because they been through it and make good sounding boards. You as the hiring boss are that is our boss. Do not let fear overcome you, just look at what we can bring to the table and do not discount the idea that a real valued piece of a business may just be the older employee. Sorry let me rephrase that experience is great to have around and just think it is a hell of a lot shorter to have them around then going through 15 younger ones in a 15 year period.
Happy New Year and remember hire me because I want to work, that is a bigger thing that I need a job. If this does not work out maybe I should sell my body wait they would ask for the money back