The Search for a Unifying Worldview

The Search for a Unifying Worldview

This newsletter doesn't fit the typical standalone format yet. In the Preface, we jumped into the middle of the pool together. It will descend into the depths. But first, you deserve to know what to expect.

Welcome to the Timebound Tapestry.

In the preface, I introduced a new, unifying philosophy. Actually, it's a worldview. I believe it can unify every philosophy out there. This newsletter will test that belief, and hopefully, some readers will too.

The hierarchy or process of beliefs.

I know there are many out there. Here's how I see it today:



Personal Reality,

Personal Identity,




Realityscape (Yes, I made this term up. I found no other term for it.)… What does it all mean?

Imagine you think ‘I’m a good at painting.’ If you commit to the truth of that thought, it becomes a belief and part of your identity: 'I am a good painter.’

Once we have a personal identity, we can determine or discover our life philosophies. All of the preceding occurs within what I call “reality.”

Let's look at an example of the difference between Personal Reality and Reality:

“That brainless idiot just ran into my car!” - reality of anger

“I hope that unfortunate driver is okay.” - reality of worry

There was a collision of 2 cars.

All three describe the same situation. The first 2 are personal realities, shaped by human emotion. The third one is the facts, the truth, details, data, etc. I’m trying to simplify all that by calling it “reality” as the word is commonly used.

A philosophy can be as simple as “I believe in brushing 3 times per day.”

“There is nothing more important than oral hygiene,” is a philosophy elevated to the status of a worldview. If you really believe that nothing is more important, you might change your worldview after shoving a toothbrush into a stranger’s mouth.

If you’re paying attention, you might have just noticed what looked like a mistake or dichotomy. I just said that a lower level of the hierarchy informs all other levels, including the levels that created it.

I believe it's a false dichotomy to say that one must always create the other and not the other way around.

It's beyond the discussions of this newsletter. But I have shown, to my own satisfaction, that the entire hierarchy is nothing more than a convenience. It's for visualization and discussion of human development. In fact, every level informs every other level to such a degree that it's really an interwoven mesh.

The realityscape (RS) is where this mesh exists. The name is very intentional, and yes, RS itself is part of the mesh. A concrete visual will come soon. For now, you can visualize that RS is both the material of the threads of thought, belief, identity, etc., and the surface where these threads weave together.

Now the truth: I believe OneWay is only a worldview that reaches the level of a realityscape. Some might argue that Quantum Physics, Spiritualism, Philosophy, Religion are other worldviews qualify as realityscapes.

However, none of those can explain why the quantum concept of an atom is like the belief in a universal consciousness AND a belief in a religious grand design, AND why all of those, on a fundamental level, are like washing your dog or exercising, or a rock on a hillside.

Before you send the men with the little white jacket to take me away, let me try to convince you.

OneWay transcends all the rest and avoids conflict with other beliefs and classifications (thought, action, inanimate object). It does this by negating conversation about 95% of those implications.

The OneWay philosophy, boiled down as simply as I can today:

Each thing we experience, with our senses or our mind, exists as a single process.

This single process can often be broken into uncountable smaller processes, which in turn can be broken down, etc.,

Every one of those processes is fundamentally the same. Borrowing terms used in LEAN, Personal Development, Politics, and many other areas of life, the process is:

Current State


Future State.

This is not a political/social/moral worldview. It is independent of nearly all spiritual, religious and scientific worldviews. So far in my research, I find no conflicts with any philosophical worldviews.

Beyond that, I have been unable to verify any absolute contradictions between OneWay and any other worldview.

But, that takes a lot more explaining. Hence, this newsletter, where I intend to prove my point and show my reader how to use OneWay for personal advantage and to help others, not with philosophy, but with living life to its fullest.

I respect you are risking your time/life by reading this. Thank you for your trust. To show my respect, I’ll do my best to make your descent into the deep, fast, entertaining and safe."

If I go too quickly, let me know and I’ll follow up in a future issue.

Quick follow-up on the research from the first newsletter:

No conflict, but suggests some things, such as ideals or morals exist independently. Therefore, this might limit applicability. I will explore in a future issue.



No conflict. Questions the source or nature of reality, and maybe how we perceive reality, but not the result of perceiving.

Christian Neoplatonism





Modal Realism


No conflict, but the value of OneWay would be questionable at best



No conflict



Dialectical Materialism

Eliminative Materialism







Neutral Monism

Still in review:

Cartesianism – do mind and body perceive reality differently?

Idealism – reality as a construct of the mind

Nominalism – generalities and universals are concepts only, not reality. – what is perception?

Dualistic Cosmology

Actual Idealism

Advaita Vedanta


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